
I Failed. Froze up......HELP?

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I failed,

I've been wanting to tell my boyfriend that I love him,

We've almost been together a year, our one year is in two weeks!

I've loved him for about 5 months now, and I'm getting restless wanting to tell him.

i tried to tell him the other night, and just froze.

I said something along the line's of : "it's hard to say "

and he of course asked what...

I froze again, and just told him " Just know that you're perfect "

He told me " far From" and i went on telling him that I was serious...

I didnt get a response, we were laying in bed.

How do I know when it's the right time?

When I won't freeze up.. It's gonna burst inside me, I really want to tell him.

I know it's like the little 13 year old questions, but me and my boyfriend are both in our 20's.




  1. tell him on christmas


    'I LOVE YOU'

    [or, if you're feeling creative, ice a cake with the beautiful words, or take him to the beach and write it in the sand with your toe, or send him a text message saying it, ir write it on a steamed window pane]

    P.s. once you have given him these words and realised that the end of the world doesn't happen, you will find it sooo much easier to say them.

  3. My concern for you is this....when you tell him....what will his response be?  You probably haven't told him, because you are unsure of the response.   Wait, be patient,  when the time is right, your gut will tell you.

  4. just blurt it out

    just tell him

  5. I hate to give you the stupid answer... but sometimes the simplest answer is the wisest one. You will know when the time is right. What's more important at this point is to make sure that he loves you just the same... only then can you truly feel as though he's ready to hear that you love him.

  6. Tell him on your 1 year!!!

  7. Be fearless and tell him. If you don't do it, you may regret it later.

    I hope he gives you the "I love you too." reply...but be prepared that he may not.

    You must take the risk and tell him anyway!  Good Luck!

  8. Put all your fears behind you close your eyes and just blurt it out. I LOVE YOU. Seriously, the more you think about it the more nervous you will get and never do it. Just let the words roll right out. When its out you will feel so much better. GOOD LUCK AND JUST GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Give him a card and write what you feel in it.  It usually makes it easier to say after you have written it.  Hope everything works out for you.

  10. Tell Him!!!! the best thing you can do to someone you care about is being honest with one another. If you have ben together for a year, he probably feels the same way, and is just afraid like you. And i didn't mean that in an insulting way. I meant like he is nervous to tell you just as you are to tell him.

  11. Be s**y and romantic about it. Wait until the night of your one year mark, plan a nice evening (doesn't matter that you're a girl - most guys like when we do stuff like plan dates and take them out) and when the time is right tell him that you want to tell him something, and then whisper it in his ear. Be casual about it when do it and not all awkward and wierd.

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