ok, well today i was at the petstore to check out the price of something and see theyre resident cat Bijou (AKA fat cat;]) and i was just leaving when smething caught my ee.. i went to the checkout.... a little betta in a tiny bowl, no more than 2 cups in it, with a small handful of white gravel on the bottom and a bamboo shoot in it.... he was so sad i thought he was dead... depressed, not moving and my heart broke... i asked the girl if he was even alive and she said 'oh , hes alive... som bettas just move and some dont' and i said to her 'weird, all my bettas move. she said 'well then you must know ho to pick them' and i said 'no, they didnt move in the cups, but after theyre in their tanks they move' and she didnt respond... i left then and felt sooo sad for the lil guy. my question is HOW could they do this? i know petstores are bad but this is possibly the SADDEST thing ive ever seen! any insight? opinions? even stories about poor petstore animals are welome!! =]