
I Feel Stuck in a Ruck... Help?

by  |  earlier

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there's a music festival on in a months time which a couple of my friends are going to. we all went last year, but they havent mentioned it to me this year. I really want to go, but what do i do? Just say 'hey i got a ticket!' basically i'm coming. Any ideas? Im 19 btw.




  1. Do you know if they have tickets? You could just say "hey are we all going to the festival this year?" If they have and they havent invited you perhaps you should go with someone else this year!

  2. Say something like, "What time are we heading to the music festival?" Then you'll find out whether you're invited or not. If not, find other people to go with, a brother/cousin perhaps?

  3. Hey that sounds a bit hurtful for you. Be upfront and just say - are we all going together this year? It should be obvious from their reaction how they feel. If you get the cold shoulder - go yourself and stuff them - maybe you'll meet some new mates!!

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