
I Found a purse, wat do i do with it?

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I found a purse on the bus after school and only 5 other people no i found it. 4 are my friend and 1 a nerd.

Its an idian's purse i found on the bus.

it has a bus ticket which will save me $10 this week and it had $2 in coins.

it had a bank card, gift card and a turish languge card.

it also has a picture of her.

Theres also a camera on the bus can it see me can i be fined from finding it and taking it.

What should i do?

1. try to see her on the bus later this week.

2. tell my parents (dont want to do this 1)

3. call police or the meetlink (bus company)

4. Keep money and hide the evedence.

5. keep money/bus ticket and hide evidence

6. Keep money/ bus ticket/ gift card.

also my friends said keep the money and ticket but throw it in the lake.

wat to do..... wat to do.......




  1. dont hide or anything like that it could only get you into more trouble try to find the person on the bus if you cant after a week keep it id say or try going to the police

  2. I'd say try and wait to see her; if you've noticed her around before, she probably regularly takes the bus. If you don't see her after a few days, I'd give it to the police.

    If you have any conscious, don't keep it. >< She will probably need it, since she has to take the bus.

  3. Take it to the police station. Think of how you would feel if you lost something like that. All because it has some spare change in it? It will save you $10 sure, but it will cost someone that, and so much more! Don't be a jerk! Don't throw it away, either, the least you could do is give the purse to a bus driver so they can turn it into Lost and Found. Think Karma, you do this, and it will happen to you 3 times worse.

  4. give it back!!!  if you cant find her then give it in to bus station if you cant find her. dont keep anything!! you wouldnt want someone to keep your wallet or mobile would you?   definately dont do 4,5&6!!

  5. well you shouldnt keep it . if theres a number or any information where you may reach the person at then maybe u should call . i mean really.. if u lost something , would u like it to be returned or not? if that doesnt work then tell ur parents or the "meetlink" or the police.. maybe shes lookin for her bag also ! ;)

  6. try to give it back to her by contacting the bus company to see if maybe she called asking about it if there is honestly no way to contact her then i guess you could keep it aslong as you sincerely tried to find the owner and you never know if you find her she might be really greatful that you were nice enough to track her down and give you some kind of reward

    i hope u dont keep it if u do well i hope something like that happens to you and then you can see how it feels

  7. Tell the police and the bus service, if there is any identification, contact her, and meet at the bus stop or something.

  8. 2 or 3, tell parents and/or call police or the meetlink (bus company)

    If nobody claims it in 30  days, I believe you may keep it. But definitely make an attempt to return it to the rightful owner.

  9. you are a stupid horrible mean person if you keep it or even throw it away.

    Imagine if it was yours?

    Your friends are sh*t heads

  10. A good person will recive the best award anyone can ask for i sugest you to hand it over to the police to take care of this the owner will be very happy to find it.

    -- :)  

  11. just hand it to police....and if you find any contact details in it..plz contact ther.

  12. I say nuber three. How could you even think of keeping it, I have to say that it so stupid. Give it to the bus company, in lost property, the number to call is stuck up in every bus okay. Don't do anything you'll feel bad about later. Also tell your parents as well sorry but that is what you are doing whether you like it or not.

  13. Tell your parents or go to the bus company and tell them you found it. It's the best thing to do, even if the bus has cameras- there's no chance that you can get caught (since millions of people ride the bus). But it is still the right thing to do- don't take the money. Be a good person and give it to the bus company. Hopefully the girl will go there and ask for her bag. Imagine if you lost your stuff and wanted it back really badly? And someone just kept it? You don't know what her money situation is or how needy she might be, so just give it back with everything inside of it. Remember that Karma is a beeyotch and it will come back and bite you in the behind :)

  14. Return it, if you spread peace you'll find peace!!!

    Return it with whatever way you have. Even if it means something hard and you don't want to do.

  15. Do the right thing.

    Imagine if you had lost your purse or wallet. How would you feel? You'll feel good about yourself if you give the woman back her stuff, and if you believe in God, he's definitely watching you, and he'll save a spot for you in heaven if you do the right thing.  

  16. I am assuming there is no picture id or contact information?

    If there is an id in it you can put it in a post office box and they can usually get it back to the person.  if there is no id I would destroy the cards and take the cash.

  17. money doesnt add up to the guilt yull feel and how sad that woman will be if she doesnt get it back.

    take it to someone who can track the woman down hence, the police

  18. find the information with the bank card... go to the bank and explain that it was lost and you found it.... mother once found a wallet full cards,  and 3 dollars in it...

    my mother did not take the 3 dollars. she call the blockbuster(there was a blockbuster card inside), and they gave my mom the lady's phone #, mom called and they met.

    the lady gave my mom 50 dollars and a bottle of wine!

    P.S.S what you do to others, it will be done back to you... if you lose somehting that you need or adores, you will lose it and the person who found it will do the same as you....

    think about it...

    the bank card

  19. do the right thing. give her her property back. you know that!

    (but doesn't being bad feel so good?! not really in the long run)

  20. u should wait for at least 3 days to one week, and that way u can see if u end up running into her again!

    then u can give her back her stuff....

    during that time, u can be using her bus pass thingy!

    and if u dont see her, then i doubt what she has in there will be REALLY important to her, because it isnt much!

    she didnt have that much money or any important id's or documents! so yea, theres nothing much to worry about... i dont think there would be a need to tell ur parents or the police!

    either way, good luck! :)

  21. give to the bus company. someone is looking for that purse. be good today

  22. Look up her name on the internet to see if you can locate her, or in the phone book. You can go to your school and get her contact information or else give it to the school secretary if they can't give out her info to you, and they will contact her to return it. I think this is a test of God to see if you wlll do the right thing. It's small things like this that shape the type of person we become in life and it's not worth being a theif over an innocent girl's purse. Would you like to tell your children you found a purse with identifiable information in it yet chose not to return it? One day you will lose something and wish the finder would do the right thing to return it to you. By keeping it you are not gaining anything, only tarnishing who you are and turning into a bad person. I think deep down you know this because you are taking the time to ask about it instead of straight out keeping the purse. Do the right thing and return it! I've found a wallet stuffed with money at a time I was broke but returned it without even temptation to keep it and I always have had a lot of luck come my way after that.

    Chances are she's asked the bus driver if a purse has been found, so why don't you tell the bus driver you found a purse and see what he has to say about it. I'm sure stuff are found in the bus all the time and he'll know what to do with it.

  23. I know you don't really want to do #2 but I think that is your best option and I don't care what your friends say but don't do #4-6 please that is just rude.

  24. contact the bus company and tell them you found a purse, ask if they have a place for you to drop it.  if not, turn it in to the local police station.

    keep an eye out for the woman, and if you see her, tell her you found her purse and where it is (bus or station).

    don't take anything.

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