
I Froze, what do I do now?

by Guest32917  |  earlier

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I've been wanting to tell my boyfriend that I love him,

We've almost been together a year, our one year is in two weeks!

( We were very good friends for about 4 years and then turned into a relationship )

I've been in love with him for a few months now, like MADLY in love, and I'm getting restless wanting to tell him.

i tried to tell him the other night, and just froze.

I said something along the line's of : "it's hard to say "

and he of course asked what...

I froze again, and just told him " Just know that you're perfect "

He told me " far From" and i went on telling him that I was serious...

I didnt get a response, we were laying in bed. ( not sexual ) just cuddling.

How do I know when it's the right time?

When I won't freeze up.. It's gonna burst inside me, I really want to tell him.

How can I make sure its not awkward?

He's been talkin about things were gonna do in the future, like last night he told me In february when I'm done with school he wants me to move in with him ( he's getting an apartment in january. )

I know it's like the little 13 year old questions, but me and my boyfriend are both in our 20's.

Please help!




  1. p**s yourself maybe he likes the stinky smell

  2. oh, you guys are in your 20s? better, it matters more. Get hitched. Go to vegas and elope

  3. Tell him, I KNOW he'll say it back.  He's probably having the same dilemma right now :) .

  4. Okay, First off...relax!

    He's not going anywhere and there is no big rush to do this.

    Remember that it doesn't mean the same thing to him as it does to you. Men don't show love by TELLING, we show love by DOING.

    So if you want to communicate that you love him in a way he'll understand, trying DOING things that show you love him. (And I'm not talking about s*x.).

    But I can assure you, if you are TELLING him for your benefit, then it will be a little awkward. If you really must say it, then say it having taken these steps:

    1. Prepare him. Let him know you love him by doing 1-2 things that show you love him. Food and comfort are the keys here. That's how we work. If he's properly prepared (say a nice meal and a back rub, and you whisper it into his won't alarm him....your actions will have already spoken your intentions).

    2. Keep it short. Don't just blurt it out mind you, but don't make it into a 2 hour discussion. Guys have no patience for taking 20 minutes what can be conveyed in 3 words.

    3. Keep it yours. The best way a girl ever admitted her love to me (in a way that I took it without concern), was to say, "I have to tell you that I really really love you. It's just the way I feel. I had to share that with you." In other words, she wasn't saying "I love you!" in order to hear me say it back to her. This is a VERY DANGEROUS THING TO DO!!! It positively kills the relationship.

    So say you love him. But don't do it so that you can blackmail him. Not trying to say that you would...but just make sure it's clear to him.

    4. Don't expect things to change from saying this. Remember, guys don't listen. We look. We observe. But we clearly don't listen. So telling him words will not dramatically change the relationship. If everything is going well, then this shouldn't be a problem.

    5. Remember that love is not a feeling. read that correctly. Love is NOT a feeling. Love is a state of condition. In other words, people who are married, who struggle alongside each other everyday, who sacrifice for each other....they're in love. They may not FEEL all warm and cuddly, but they are in love.

    And a couple that feel all warm and cuddly this week, but fight like h**l next week, are not in Love...even when the feeling is there.

    But you sound like a smart girl. I'm sure you'll do great. Your hesitation is healthy, but if your motives are pure, you should be fine.

    Good Luck!

  5. Ok, well, just bring it up again.  Say you know how I said that thing about perfect, and he said "far from"... tell him that you think he is perfect for you, that your relationship/attraction/partnership is perfect, and you feel perfect when with him.  

    It's ok - he's probably wondering how to say all this stuff to you.  

  6. I am not sure why you are asking this again.  You have already asked this 5 times and got 25 answers.  Either take the advice you got or decide for yourself already.

  7. nothing says love like swallowing a load of baby batter

  8. Don't try and force the moment- it will creep up on you when you least expect it; you will know when the time is right.

    Sorry, I know that's a crappy answer, but i think if you just relax and not worry about it, then it will be easier and seem totally natural to tell him. :)

  9. One day plan a romantic date in your house. Set up candles and wear something really pretty. Then after having dinner, tell him how you feel. If he wants to move in with you then I bet he feels the same way

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