
I Get married next Sunday and I am NOT excited! Advice?

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I want to have a marriage and I am marrying an amazing man. However over the last 6 or so months, there has been so much nagging, Ideas being thrown my way, people getting upset, people changing, adding, demand things etc etc that I am not excited about the wedding...My Fiance said to me today, I can't wait to get this Shiit over with. He loves me very much and I love him also...I too am anxious to get this over with.Advice??




  1. I'm kinda there with you, honestly.  I am so very excited to be married, but we get married November first, about ten weeks away, and as the day gets closer it's almost like you just want to put it behind you and move forward.  But, I honestly think it's the stress. You'll be fine. I just keep reminding myself that it's just stress, and just think about the actual marriage, taking everyone else but us out of it.  No MILs, caterers, florists.. just us.  And that makes me smile.  

    Good luck! It will be perfect.. :)

  2. I'm getting married the day after you and I know just how you feel!  There is so much stress over getting everything ready in time that I almost can't wait for it to be over, which is kind of sad!  The only thing that helps me is to learn to let some things go.  It's better if some things aren't perfect but I can have time to relax, rather than running around trying to make everything better.  As for other people, try to limit contact with anyone who is stressing you out.  You can always say, "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't return your calls, but I was so busy with last-minute wedding details."  Good luck!

  3. It seems like if you can make it through planning a wedding together and accept each other's families through all that then your marriage should be rock solid.  Unfortuanately that isn't the case for everyone, but doesn't it seem like it should be?

    I felt the same way until our rehersal.  Then I felt delighted that I was finally going to marry this amazing man. All of a sudden the whole affair had meaning again.  It has been 7 years and I still feel that smile on my face from that day.

    Looking back, I'd have done it differently.  We wed in a way that had everything to do with our families and nothing to do with us.  IT was beautiful and the result was what we wanted, but the wedding itself was very strange to us.  Oh well, who cares?  We're married.


  4. Oh sweetheart, weddings tend to being out the best and worst in people.  I'm sorry you're not more excited about your upcoming wedding, but in my job (I'm a bridal consultant in a bridal boutique) I've seen more brides just break down in tears at their final fitting.  I'm not talking happy tears either.  I've had brides say that they just wanted to bag the whole thing, run off to Vegas and just get married.

    What I would suggest to you is talk with someone you can trust--not your fiance (obviously you should trust him) but someone in your bridal party, your mother, a sister, whoever, and tell them how you're feeling.  You're feeling overwhelmed by everything, and ask this person to please for this next week, run interference for you or watch your back.  Turn everything you possibly can over to this person, so that you can concentrate on what you SHOULD be concentrating on--your marriage (not your wedding).  Remember, your marriage will be a lifetime, but your wedding is one day.  If you can't turn everything over to just 1 person, pick a few, delegate out responsibilities and simply let it go at this point.  You'll feel better about everything if you remove yourself from it a few steps.  

    I wish you and your future hubby all the joy and happiness in your marriage.  Good luck to you both!

  5. Keep your promise, Let your maid of honor have a bigger bouquet, Rent a big tent. And stop saying you not excited, and my boyfriend just wants to get this shiit over with.

  6. Wow!!! Sounds like it's not even Your wedding anymore. It's turned into the community affair for all to plan, organize, partake of, and then get ghost when the bill comes.

    You and your fiance' have to keep in mind that this is Your day. With all due respect tell everyone else to hush up so that you can hear yourself think. Also, let your wedding planner absorb most of that "nagging, Ideas being thrown your way, people getting upset, people changing, adding, demand things etc" because that is what you pay her/him for. If she/he is really good at the job she will definitely put an end to these nuisances. You may not ever get the jeeters, so relax. Although nervousness is common it is not a requirement for the big day. Tell those folks to get off of your back and go plan their own wedding. Relax and Enjoy.

  7. Just relax and enjoy it! Everyone gets stressed out before their weddings! Take the last week to have fun with your fiance and girlfriends, and throw everything on your Maid of Honor and bridesmaids. That's what they're there for! :-)  

  8. Getting married is very stressful, especially if you have difficult relatives or guests making the experience less than pleasant for you. Try to focus on your reason for getting married and your lives after the ONE day and if you love him as much as you say you do, you will find that should be enough to get the excitement back...Good Luck!

  9. You would probably be more excited if you were not pregnant and if you got along with MIL.  Are you living together too?  I can understand then how unexciting it is to roll out of the same bed and get dressed in a weding dress and do a ceremony.  I don't see a big climax in the evening, because nothing special is happening.

    Sorry.  But I wish you luck.  Maybe the food will be really really good.

    I was also pregnant when I got married but it was not a big ceremony.  Just the priest, 2 witnesses, groom and me (and unborn baby).  I have been married 40 years have a beautiful home and financial security. So every thing worked out ok.  

  10. every1 breathes a sigh of relief on the actual wedding dayy. all the stress will be over and u'll enjoy the first day as husband and wife.  

  11. Zone people out if you must the day is about you and the hubby to be people get so caught up in the the wedding and forget about the actual nuptials and what it truly means enjoy and ignore people  

  12. sounds to me like you should cancel the whole thing, if he thinks hes ready to get this **** over with hes not ready to get into it, its over before it ever starts. if you are not excited about it your not ready to commit to it either                                                              

  13. It's normal wedding stuff. You will be just fine and will make him head over hills. Be excited I mean its a wedding, your day , your designs and your ticket to a honeymoon.

  14. relax!!! your wedding day is almost here. this week will fly by so fast!!

    and trust me on your wedding day, you will wake up VERY excited and ready to get married.

    dont elope like other people said. that is just a cop out answer. just relax. take some time for yourself.

    every bride and groom feels over whelmed the week before the wedding. its al the planning and stress and build up to the day.

    relax, have fun, and enjoy your day!!

    p.s. my sister is also getting married on the 31st.

  15. Try having a mother in law that does your wedding flowers in the color of the dress she bought instead of your wedding colors. (island blue and white) She made them wine colored. Me and my fiance have had stress over that sort of thing but it has never come between us. We cant wait to be married and are very happily planning our wedding together and forgetting what everyone else wants or thinks. It simple, its not their wedding, Its ours. We only have it once so we are doing what we want. Dont let the stress from others get to you and your fiance, throw those dumb things over your shoulder and move on. We did and we're happy for it.

  16. I understand the tremendous stress you are experiencing.

    Let the past, all the planning and other nonsense related to it, go.  Don't dwell on it.  Keep in mind you are marrying the "amazing man" you want to marry.  This is what is important about the day.

    If you can, try to give up the idea that everything will be perfect.  Perfection is a farce.  You can enjoy yourself on the wedding day if you just experience everything the way it happens.

    Take it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute until the day!

    Best of Luck and keep smiling for the great journey you are embarking on with the man you love.

  17. I gave Lily a thumbs up because she made me laugh.  Hilarious.

  18. You have SO MUCH on your mind that you can't be excited. It is a shame things are this way. I felt the same way too. You probably will be excited when you walk down the aisle. Don't forget when this is all over to let us know how things went. GOOD LUCK!! Don't worry.

  19. ELOPE tomorrow... to Vegas then come back do the wedding thing with a secret with your intended, well your spouse..

    heh heh

  20. You are nuts now, and it will get worse for a week. But you know, it will soon be over and you will be glad that you have the memories. When you have weddings this is normal. Everyone will love everyone again and you will start down the walk and see your hubby and it will be worth it. You know, you could disappear for a day and take a chill pill, so to speak. It's ok and your ok....

  21. Oh god, I can so relate to that! I am stressed with 8 wks to go so I reckon you'd be feeling 10 times worse by now. The only thing I can suggest that might hopefully calm the nerve is to get your girls together a few days before the wedding, get your nails done, go out for lunch and see a movie. It might help you to relax. I hope it will anyay because that's my plan. Best of luck and congrats.

  22. Hi.  Do you know what?  It is my PERSONAL OPINION that about 90% of couples getting married feel this way!

    I know I son and daughter-in-law did...many, many people.

    I don't know what it is about weddings that people think they can add their own opinions, likes, dislikes, etc. to the couple, which does nothing but stress them out.

    When the day comes....I DO think you will be excited!  If you have any spare time (and CASH!) in this last week....possibly go and get a massage....that always works wonders for me!

    Good luck and I hope you have a happy marriage.

  23. Elope. If you're not excited about the whole wedding then you should take a few good friends and you're immediate family and go somewhere romantic. You should be excited about you're wedding not dreading it.  

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