
I Got A New Dog! Cat's Not Happy!?

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i got a two month old bishon but my cat's NOT happy! she's more then five years old and VERY jealous. she Hisses at him and then goes and hides!

The dog doesn't seem to know what she's doing.

The cat won't eat either! she just hides and when she sees the dog, she hisses! how can i make them get along???




  1. There is no need to drug your cat or your dog up their eyeballs with sedative.

    I have gone through the same situation twice with different cats and dogs. If you have had your cat for a long time she is no doubt going to be jealous of your puppy. Try to give out attention equally - make sure if you treat one that you treat the other. If they are friendly to each other - even just a sniff, give praise to both.

    They will soon become best friends. My dog practically drags my cat through the door every night when he comes inside!

  2. The cat will get over it. She will probably just stay out of the dogs way. The dog will also learn that cats do not play like other dogs or humans! The cat will just become the distant one in the pack!

  3. You cannot Make them get along.  It will take time, and maybe they will never be 'friends',  but it should get better with the cat as she becomes more familiar with this stranger in her territory.  It's good you have a young pup as it will be easier for them to aclimate to one another.  Actually, I read that if you are adding a pet to a cat's home then a puppy is a good bet for peaceful living.

    It would be good if you ristrict the dog part of the time so the cat can have run of the house.  A dog crate is a good idea and most dogs that get used to them as their den love it.  For example, if you work, you can crate the dog and the cat will have free reign of the house like before.  At night, you can crate the dog so it can sleep peacefully and the cat can have free reign of the house, again as before.  While you are home you can have the dog loose so this baby can get the care, exercie, love, and playtime it needs.  

    My son crates his dog and she loves being in it.  She even goes in there on her own part of the time so she  can have time out from his daughter.  The crate is in the kitchen.

  4. Bless her, she has probably never had to contend with a dog before especially not in her teritory.  Get a feliway diffuser from your vet, make a safe place in the house where the dog doesnt go. Feed her somewhere at height ie on a windowsilll or unit.  Feed her something apetising such as tesco finest king prawn cat food or some tuna.

    Then simply give her time. I can't say they'll be friends but she'll learn to accept the pup.

  5. Try putting your dog in a crate or cage and then bringing the cat into the room toet comfortable with the dog. Gradually have then in the same room for longer and longer periods of time until you think the cat will be abl to handle the dog out of the cage. Good Luck!

  6. Give her some time.  They will probably become the best of friends

  7. Cats and Dogs take time getting use to each other. I had 4 cats and we got a dog, and about a month later they all adapted and the dog is just another cat to them. Hope this helps =]

  8. hi,

    Despite the cliché about fighting like cats and dogs, it's perfectly possible for the two species to live happily under one roof. However, it's also perfectly possible for a cat to injure a dog, and for a dog to seriously hurt or even kill a cat. To keep your home a peaceable kingdom, you'll want to arm yourself with some know-how before you add a new four-legged resident.

    here are some guidelines:

    hope this helps.

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