
I Got My Female Friend Pregnant?

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I Got My Female Friend Pregnant?

She always tried to hit on me & would say stufff like one day you're going to be mines or i'm going to take you away from your g*y boyfriend. Two months ago we went out to a club for my 23 birthday and I ended up getting really drunk but she didn't drink anything. Some how we went back to her place and had s*x and i know for sure that she's telling the truth now because I woke up the next morning and I had stains all on my clothes. At the time she said I was playing with myself and that's how I got the stains on my clothes. Anyways shes pregnant with my child now and want me to spend alot of time with her. How can I tell my boyfriend that I have to end our relationship so I can take care of her and my baby when he's here?




  1. no matter what these people say up here. i think it is great that you are stepping up and being a father to your child. i alos think that you must have feelings for her so it might have been something that was bound to happen. i think you should just be blunt with your boyfriend and let him know you have a child on the way and you think it would be better for you to spend more time with the mother of your child. having a baby may bring you to closer together you never know you all migh get married one day. so i say go for it whatever makes you happy and just by you saying you are excited i think you will be a great father. so since your a soon to be daddy happy father's day and good luck

  2. you can do both just sit down and talk to your boyfriend about it and explain it was a mistake and hopefully he will forgive you and you will kiss and make up. Then tell your female friend how you feel and that you want to be part of your child's life but you don't want to be with her.

  3. You have to take care of that baby or deal with having a child.

    i mean if you like your "lady friend" i think you should try and make this the end maybe things will be better

  4. are you sure that is even your child?? DNA test! You do NOT have to end your relationship with your bf, just let him know that you will be spending time with "your child" more often. This girl seems obsessed with you.... I wouldn't be suprised if she came up with a scheme to make you think you really got her pregnant when in actuality, someone else did. DNA test, period.

  5. This is definitely a good argument for birth control.

    Get a paternity test.

    Maybe you could go on Jerry Springer.

  6. you dont have to stop being g*y because of a pregnancy. you can be there without leaving your boyfriend. tell him the truth and if he cant handle it then that is up to him what he wants to do. you should live your life the way you are happy because if you dont then that puts alot of preasure on you and the girl and the baby. the baby can have two daddys. you can be there for her without being intimate with her.

  7. UR g*y OR IM MEAN BI??

  8. just take care of the babybe aman about

  9. She sounds crazy. tread carefully

  10. I am the adult child of a parent who was g*y.  My parents married, but divorced once I was an adult, and my g*y parent is now in a g*y relationship that is much happier than my parents were together.  I do not think that it was particularly good for me to grow up with two parents that didn't like each other.  I learned how to snipe, how to be sarcastic.  Your responsibility is to do your best for your baby--to show love, provide as much financial support as you can, to listen and have a relationship.  You do not have a responsibility to take care of the mother or to end your relationship with your boyfriend.  Moreover, it's not going to necessarily be better for your child for you to do so.  The mother needs to get into a relationship with someone who values her as more than just the mother of his child.  You can model a loving relationship to your child when you are in a g*y partnership.  See if you can get into couples counseling with the mother so you can figure out how to co-parent while staying emotionally separate, and let the counselor provide the emotional support for her.

  11. I would marry your female friend and raise your child the proper way with her and break up with your boyfriend.

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