
I Got my girl pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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we're 16. help?




  1. Do what you can, and do it the best you can. And when that baby comes out, use birth control!

    For the time being use all the help you can

  2. I just gotta ask. Why didn't you use protection?

  3. you need to get her to the doctor and get her on prenatal vitamins. tell your parents and discuss your options such as if you are prepared to keep it or give it up for adoption. good luck.

  4. You need to tell a doctor or go to a clinic that helps teens.

  5. Start by telling both your parents.  Bring a full box of tissues becasue parents don't take it well when their kids wreck their lives.

  6. Go hire Juno it explains everything.

  7. I'm sure you know that you made a huge mistake. Not in having s*x, but for not using protection. There only 3 options that exist for you. Get married and have the baby (you're really too young to take this on), give the baby up for adoption (probably the best choice), and of course abortion. I wish you the best of luck, this is a very difficult and life-changing decision to make.

  8. Help with what?

    Money? Jobs? School? time? relationship? parents? pregnancy? labor? Birth? A baby who cries every 2 hours all night for months to eat? Really, where to begin......

  9. I'm sorry, but really, what help can we give you??? You guys are both very young, and you decided to play grown ups, and you have to live with the consequences.

    I'm sorry i can't be nice about it, but at this point, you have a very stiff mountain to climb . GOOD LUCK  

  10. Like you said. Be there for her, and the baby. every step of the way. If you have that in mind of everything you do, you'll be fine.

    And use protection, AT LEAST next time, lol :)

  11. I'm surprised nobody has suggested Abortion. It sounds cruel I know. But in your situation, being only 16. You are both kids.

    Think about this will effect the rest of your life?

    If you want to keep the baby, I suggest finishing school! Who wants to hire an 18 year old with no school certificate and no experience... And if you're raising a family, you'll need more than a job at the Quicky Mart.

  12. Tell your parents, before it's too late. The sooner you hold off the worse it gets and just make sure your by her side and that your there for her if she needs you. So it's tell your parents and then go to the doctor and then go from there.  

  13. Have you ever locked your keys in your car?  

  14. look calm down here's what ya do

    just sit down with your parents but make sure its the right time and have her parents sit down with your parents if you can

    then tell them that you might be a dad and got your girlfriend pregnant and you will need there help and support and if they start being mad or something its perfectly normal but if you need to bring a friend to help you out then say you love your girlfriend and you will be there for her but adoption or keeping it either way just let them know you will need there support

  15. Get an appt with a obgyn and get her started on prenatals. Talk to your parents. They may be mad but they will get over it and should be pretty supportive. If not, their are government programs that can help like WIC, Medicaid, Foodstamps, TANF, etc. Get a job, if you don't have one. You have nine months to make sure everything is in order for this baby. If, however, yall don't feel like yall can take care of it there is always adoption, but again you have plenty of time to decide. Best of luck, I hope things work out!

  16. Congratulations Daddy

    You now have more responsibility than you can imagine.  You now must put another person's needs ahead of your own needs.  That means finding a source of income to pay for all the food and clothes and diapers and toys that this baby will need.  Did I mention all the doctors bills?

    The good news:  At 16, YOUR life insurance rates will be really cheap.

    Yes, you will need to buy life insurance - probably around $1,000,000 in coverage just in case something happens to you while your child is still growing up.

    Good Luck.


  17. DONT KILL THE BABY....just face it, wait until u r old enough for marriage and give her a good life. Take it as a lesson and use birth control next time.

  18. i love that you wrote, "i don't plan on flaking"

    tell your parents. that the best thing you can do.

    then be there for her. do what she wants to do. you both have a say with your child but she's the one that going to be going through it.

    good luck


  19. inform your parents and her parents, get her to the doctor and support her

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