CAN SOMEONE WHO READS DREAMS HELP ME WITH THIS ONE. THE DREAM STARTED OUT BEING a calm and beautiful night with a big pretty moon so close you could reach out and touch.Surounded buy stars.then changed into a dul simi- clouded night, there was a talking newborn girl who i was holding close to my chest that was mumbling something shocking, but to hear a new born speak so clearly was shocking enough, but my sister or a lady to precieve to be my sister was there and my mother( basically family) was there,and then the clouds in the sky moved away that big pretty moon turned into three small orange moons that became distant in the sky. followed buy the stars making some sort of constelations to form the for seasons summer ,winter ,spring and fall, and they formed together like a four playing cards. yes the stars did this in my dreams, but the most vivde season i seen in these stars was fall, my birthday is in fall october 11.does all of this have somthing to do with someone having a secret agenda, pregnancy, and my birthday? can someone help me please it's all confusing to me.feel free to hit me up at with some kind of answers. thnx 1 luv.