
I HATE JBL, but who else thinks.....?

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that his commentary was hilarious (most of the time)? he was so so mean to basically everyone, but it was funny. for example..

"This man was put on Earth to TORTURE ME! (Referring to Jimmy Wang Yang)"

"I hope you get drafted to OVW (To Michael Cole During The Raw 2007 Draft)"

"I don't understand what Armando Ali Baba Estrada is thinking. You'll never get over with a suit and a stupid white hat."

"He looks like a cross between Jim Ross and Mr. Fuji!" (About Jimmy Wang Yang)

"Look at his Goddamn hair, you think he understands anything?" (About the Miz)

"Get away from us Chimel, ya fat idiot."

"Why is he still employed here? God we employ some idiots." (About Josh Mathews)

"Compared to you [Michael Cole] he's an athlete." (About The Miz)

"Rey Mysterio is like herpes, he just keeps coming back"

"Where does He-she think he's going to take her? A Cher concert? Good Lord." (About Vito and Ashley Massaro)




  1. I love JBL, he's awesome and the quote about Mysterio LMFAO!!!

  2. I only like JBL because he's funny. I don't think I'll learn to like him for anything else though. Just his hilarious comments.

  3. yea i loved him behind the cometator table..he needs to retire again

  4. Really  I can't stand him!

    He has to go somewhere.

  5. Yeah he should have styed with Michael Cole on Smackdown there were great commentators. I like paid attention to the commentary just to hear JBL insult Cole all the time.

  6. Yes, he was a great commentator. Bullying Micheal Cole was funny too. I like his wrestling, brawling, and he has great charisma. JBL has a back injury now, so he looks very unfit and isnt wrestling as good as he used to. He should of stayed a commentator.

  7. I LOVE JBL!!!!!

  8. me

  9. Very funny quotes, I miss him, AUSSIE RULES!!!

  10. he was funny but where you said "I don't understand what Armando Ali Baba Estrada is thinking. You'll never get over with a suit and a stupid white hat." thats exactly what he wears now a white hat and a suit lol

    some of his stuff was pure gold he has a way with words and i actually like him as a commentator rather than a full time RAW wrestler

  11. I actually enjoyed him on commentary. I dislike JBL wrestling and coming out of retirement, although he cuts great promos. Him trashtalking Cole and younger stars always made me laugh.

  12. I loved JBL as a commentator. So I hope that after his storied and legendary career, he returns to the desk upon retiring.

  13. JBL is nothing but an as@ now. I liked his old persona when he was in the APA, I like his book which I bought and read, and I liked him as a commentator, but not giving a champion the credit he deserves since he paid his dues and earned that title, that's low.

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