that his commentary was hilarious (most of the time)? he was so so mean to basically everyone, but it was funny. for example..
"This man was put on Earth to TORTURE ME! (Referring to Jimmy Wang Yang)"
"I hope you get drafted to OVW (To Michael Cole During The Raw 2007 Draft)"
"I don't understand what Armando Ali Baba Estrada is thinking. You'll never get over with a suit and a stupid white hat."
"He looks like a cross between Jim Ross and Mr. Fuji!" (About Jimmy Wang Yang)
"Look at his Goddamn hair, you think he understands anything?" (About the Miz)
"Get away from us Chimel, ya fat idiot."
"Why is he still employed here? God we employ some idiots." (About Josh Mathews)
"Compared to you [Michael Cole] he's an athlete." (About The Miz)
"Rey Mysterio is like herpes, he just keeps coming back"
"Where does He-she think he's going to take her? A Cher concert? Good Lord." (About Vito and Ashley Massaro)