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I hate this girl. But she's disabled. But she if so freakin annoying!!!!!!! And she thinks she should get whatever she wants just because she's disabled! and she's selfish and stubborn, and she acts like a b**** if she doesnt get her way. and she thinks she soo smart. I HATE HER SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! does that make me a bad person cause shes disabled?




  1. Hatred is not a good thing even if the person is disabled or not. Hatred eats you alive and all you energy goes towards the person that you hate. Life is to short to hate someone so much that it drives you crazy. Do not hang out near her, and just focus on yourself.

  2. Hey, if a poor little disabled girl can act like any old "normal bi*ch, then you sure enough have the right to have "normal" feelings of hate.

        But let me warn you, hate will destroy you, not her. Hate is like a cancer, it will grow until it blinds you, until you become prejudice, it will take over your judgement of those who are disabled, before you get to know them.

         Those who were born to a chair and those who end up in one through accidents are totally different personalities.

          Those born to a chair or who end up in one young, often but not always, are spoiled rotten and often run the home, they are manipulative and use the parents guilt or pity against them.

           Those who end up in a chair through accidents in their teen yrs or older. Have to deal with a human condition that not one of us escape when tragedy strikes us personally.

            It comes in stages, 1st is pity, the why me stage, 2nd comes the rage and anger, at themselves, at the world, at god, 3rd is suicide attempts and an individual must attempt 3 times before their release from hospital. Now broken backs and such heal. I am talking of broken necks which effect the whole body and "rarely" heal, no matter how many ppl tell you different. Even those that do heal, walk with 2 cains and legs stretched out to the sides.

            If your girl was born to chair, then she has time to grow up pretty normal mentally, so treat her that way, catch her alone or if she says anything to you, then tell her as you would a normal person.  To grow up, the chair doesn't give her the right to act like spoiled brat, tell her you can't stand her behavior, tell her its not the chair that keeps her crippled it's her state of mind. You will actually be doing her a great favour, ever heard the saying " sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind".  You'll be saying what many want to and it's the only way the girl will stop and think about her behavior, just don't be nasty about it.

            At least you loose some of that hate and feel like a weight has been lifted.

  3. disabled are always jealous of the other disabled. be nice. does she know she disabled?

  4. Of course not! She's mean and taking advantage of her disablement. Just try to stay as far away from her as possible. It will all come back on her someday.

  5. wow. hate is a strong word

    just ignore her and it will seem less of a problem

  6. YES it makes you a bad person. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. She's disabled. It's not like she's really pretending to be disabled just to ger her way. But if I would've known any better, I'd say you're prejudice against handicapped people.

  7. your not  mean or bad but you know you have to keep in mind that she is disabled. i have a freind that is disabled and she is gust like that. just help her out and if you really cant stand her well then slap her and walk away(lol just kidding just stay away from her if you really hat here.

  8. No. If she wasn't disabled and still acted b****y you still wouldn't like her so no. And just so you know I know exactly how you feel.

  9. shes disabled. id leave her alone and talk to someone else. i know how u feel

  10. get over it

  11. Look you can certainly choose to spend less time with this person. Sometimes you have to stand up to a person and tell them like it is. Take some more time and try to think about this from a distance. If she needs it you can think of the right things to say that won't be too hurtful. Think a long time before you say something. You might want to even write it out. If it starts going bad just back down and wait for another time to approach the subject. If she cannot receive (she only transmits) then you'll have to establish some boundarys or just move on.

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