All my life, I literally mean all my life, even since I was very small people would always laugh at me because of the colour of my hair and pick on me, even physically abuse me because of it. I'm FED UP of it.
Right now I have a bunch of eight or so boys outside my house singing: "Get back in your buiscuit tin ginger" and they kept asking me things while I was trying to get in my house such as "Oh do you like carrots cause you look like an upsideown one" and I don't know, they've been kicking my gate and continued to bring my confidence down.
I don't understand what is so bad about my hair colour.
Why do people continuously point it out to me like it's such an awful thing to have. :( Why should every red head have to suffer for being the way we are.
It really hurts to know people see us "carrot top, ginger" and whatever else people enjoy calling us, as such freaks of nature.
I'm sorry, but you understand how wrong it is to make fun of someone by there skin colour and most now respect each other have different coloured skin, yet even the government and the public ignore the fact that everyday we are being bullied and taunted by such a degree from those who cannot accept that we have a special colour, infact a beautiful colour of hair.
It really truly does get to me.
One day I am going to make sure the world knows we should have just as right to be on this world as anybody else. That is a promise.