
I HATE being picked on for being "ginger"?

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All my life, I literally mean all my life, even since I was very small people would always laugh at me because of the colour of my hair and pick on me, even physically abuse me because of it. I'm FED UP of it.

Right now I have a bunch of eight or so boys outside my house singing: "Get back in your buiscuit tin ginger" and they kept asking me things while I was trying to get in my house such as "Oh do you like carrots cause you look like an upsideown one" and I don't know, they've been kicking my gate and continued to bring my confidence down.

I don't understand what is so bad about my hair colour.

Why do people continuously point it out to me like it's such an awful thing to have. :( Why should every red head have to suffer for being the way we are.

It really hurts to know people see us "carrot top, ginger" and whatever else people enjoy calling us, as such freaks of nature.

I'm sorry, but you understand how wrong it is to make fun of someone by there skin colour and most now respect each other have different coloured skin, yet even the government and the public ignore the fact that everyday we are being bullied and taunted by such a degree from those who cannot accept that we have a special colour, infact a beautiful colour of hair.

It really truly does get to me.

One day I am going to make sure the world knows we should have just as right to be on this world as anybody else. That is a promise.




  1. Redhead girls are kute especially when they have freckles.

    if they are physically hurting you, and coming on ur property you can file charges. by law they cant touch you no matter how much they dislike you.

    just remain confident in yourself, an remember youre pretty no matter what,

    its the same stuff tha happen to us black folks, getting sprayed with fire hoses, hit with coke cans, and some more horrible stuff , al because we are couple of shades darker,

    if we can survive that, i know you can too , just stay confident.

  2. i LOVE ginger hair. How would they like it if they had ginger hair and people were bullying them... :(

  3. what's the question here?

    yes people make fun of gingers?  

  4. Thats not fair. No one has the right to abuse you and bring your confidence down. I dont think that you should suffer from this. You should stand up for yourself. Dont let it get to you and just brush it past. I would give them a piece of my mind. Surely you should tell someone? Maybe mum, dad, best friends, someone that you trust. if you haven't already. It would make you feel better.  Hair shouldn't be something that gets you down. And besides I LOVE RED HAIR!!! AND I WOULD BE SO JELOUS!!!

    Best of luck x

  5. i love your hair color! dont let them get to you, their just JELOUS! they all want your hair! i had a friend whos hair was RED RED RED and everyone was like omg im gonna steal your hair i love it. i BET they are jelous. next time scream I KNOW YOUR JUST JELOUS! they WANT to bring your confidence down, DONT LET THEM! they want you to break down and get upset, DONT LET THEM! just act like your ok with it and they dont bother you! they wil stop!! all they want to see is you being upset!

  6. People bug you because they KNOW it bugs you!

    Red hair is really nice if you ask me!

    I dunno what they're trip is, but obviously they have nothing better to do with their lives that pick on you about THAT?? I mean... come on, that's LAME!

    Hopefully they'll get lives.

    Don't let them know it bothers you. Sick people get pleasure out of causing someone else's pain because they are hurting in their own way and wanna take it out on someone else!

    Take care darlin!

  7. Firstly, you are a FOX... Second, I have been in love with you since the second I met you.  and lastly if I stare, its because you look kissable...

    Don't change a darn thing!!!

    * I don't have red hair, can I still kiss you?

  8. I feel bad for you, but people really don't discriminate redheads. I don't know how you can mention the government in this post. Stop giving people a reaction, and they will stop making fun of you. Good luck.

  9. Well, to be honest I've never heard before that people tease someone because of her/his hair being red. I somehow understand your problem because I have curly brown hair and my eyes are brown too. It's not the barbie style that people expect, you know girls with blond strait hair and blue or green eyes. In many movies you can see that girls with my appearance are mocked (e.g. "Princess diary"). What can we do? We can't change easily biased minds! I think you should ignore them. The colour of your hair is really nice and rare too. You are unique. If we were all like barbies we would be miserable. The people that make fun of your hair are not perfect either. You can find a flaw that they have and make fun of them too. Well, this is not the best way to deal with this problem but it sometimes helps. You should be confident and grateful for who you are and what you have.( If that helps you, they have told once that my eyes have the colour of s**t . I was a bit upset at the time they told me this, but it is ok with me now. They are not better than me. You should say that too to yourself everyday.)

    I hope I helped !

  10.   Well you have a very strong point, usually people like that pick on other people because they fell self concious about their self. Just tell an adult or just think, a lot of people have the same problem as you do. i know some ginger people and to be honest i always wanted that hair color :) think positivly about you. its very rare, and you are one of a lot of people who have your gingerness. Which is something to be proud of.

  11. my whole life i wanted to have red hair!

    which is pretty much impossible since im asian

    its something of such beauty

    and its hard to get because its  recessive gene, so its rare

    so just think your special, dont be ashamed of the fact you have red hair

    be proud, show it off, maybe even boost the color by getting the stuff thats makes i more red

    your hair is an asset that complements who you are as a person

    boost your confidence those kids are having fun seeing you down

  12. Ignore those mean little f*ckers.  Know that you're beautiful, and you're even more beautiful because you're rare.  

    Those guys have nothing on you, and will soon be 'grown up' idiots, probably destined to work in some horrible factory, or let's hope it's slave labor for the rest of their lives.  

    Did you know?

    If you can find some poison ivy and procure one of their hats (if there are hat wearers) if you rub some in the forehead part of the hat, he'll have a rash that keeps coming back.  No idea where it came from.

    In the meantime, this will make you feel a lot better:

    Read at your leisure...

    I don't know what the big freakin' deal is in europe with people and red heads.  I think red hair is gorgeous, my sister has beautiful dark red hair with ringlets.  In America, I think the perception of 'gingers' is much different.

  13. Its nly coz we r so rare :(

    they are just a******s.....ignore them....!or you could just tell them all to **** off and stop bugging you....release your firey red-head temper!!!LOL!


  14. It really sucks when people make fun of you for something you cannot control and that is not wrong. Im blonde and people always laugh when I make mistakes and call me a ditz. Its dumb. And people are immature. Just tell them that its harrassment and if they continue you have the right to call the police because they are harrassing you. Don't hit them, tell your parents and talk to them about how much it is bothering you.

    You are right, people are protected from being attacked for their skin colour, race and religion, and it should be no different for hair colour. People need to grow up, and realize that they are hurting people.

  15. Ha-Ha...your post got my attention for two reasons. At first I thought you were talking about being named Ginger. I am and I got picked on alot in school i.e ginger bread, ginger rogers etc. Then I read the post and I understand how it is because I also have red hair. I got picked on about that too when I was younger but now people tell me they love my hair color and ask me if it's real. Don't let anybody get you down hon, like one person answered they are just jealous of your beautiful hair color.

  16. First off I love your hair color I have dyed mine red a time or for what to do about those jerk faces...I would just stand up to them but don't resort to calling them names like i just i know i know I'm a hypocrite...but just let them know you are tired of their c**p...

  17. Be proud of being a redhead!

    There are lots of great websites that show how special and rare we redheads are.  Celebrate that and remember the rest are just jealous of what they can't natural get!!!!!

  18. Omg thats sooooooo right !!!!!!!!! you go sister

  19. People can be mean, it's just a fact of life. You either let them get to you and bring you down, or keep your head held high and move on. Carry on with your life. Everything they do has a consequence and karma will come back around to them. I know exactly what you are going through however. My mother and brother are both redheads. 'Friends' of mine would make harsh comments about my mother due to the color of her hair. And I have seen and heard first hand what my younger brother has gone through with kids at school. It still amazes me that people are so harsh on others because of their hair color. You have to know that not everyone thinks like that. Yet some people can't look past the fact that some have red hair. What's so bad about it? Not a thing if you ask me. I actually feel jipped that I am a brunette and not a red head. Look at it this way-  They laugh cause your different, yet you can laugh cause they are all the SAME. There is nothing different and unique about them. They blend in with the main stream. I don't know about you, but at the end of they day, I would much rather stand out and make a statement then blend in with the crowd. I'm sure as you age you will experience exactly what I am talking about. Embrace your uniqueness and love you for who you truly are!

  20. Sounds like they're picking on you because of your personality, but your red hair is the easiest thing to target, so they use that to bug you.  You are very bitter.  It's not right what they're doing, but you "feed" them by your reactions.  You need to act like it truely doesn't bother you, then it'll get old & they'll stop.  I wouldn't be posting threats if I were you, it says a lot about your character, which at this point is not good.

  21. I know exactly how you feel, I have red hair too. I have had stones thrown at me, chewing gum in my hair but most of the time random people make these awful comments. I find it very comforting when I see people in the same position that I am in. I don't mind my hair colour though.

    I completely agree with you on this. It is totally unacceptable for people to discriminate others because of their skin colour, why is it any different for hair colour? No one takes it seriously, people tell me to ignore the ones who shout stuff which I do but it doesn't always work. I started noticing the abuse when I started high school.

    I live in Scotland, with the highest percentage of redheads (13%) and the discrimination is bad, even some of my family tease me. I'm guessing you live in the UK because of the way you spelt "colour" and I think it is terrible - I wonder what it's like in America? In my experience, it's usually young people who cause the trouble, the middle aged people vary.

    As for dealing with these sad boys outside your house, I would report them to the police. They are so pathetic, they can't find anything else to do - they must be so bored.

    There is light at the end of the tunnel though, this random old lady at the bus stop started telling me how I had such beautiful hair, she started stroking it too - kind of creeped me out. That's another thing I find on such rare occasions that a very small amount of people seem to like it. Usually old people though - maybe with age comes wisdom?

    Hope this helps, if you decide to run for prime minister, you have my vote. Good luck.  :-)

  22. take out your anger out on them seriously stand up and show them your really serious a kick in the balls would be a good idea

  23. try dying your haira suttle color that is easy to keep up every 6 weeks.try a simple brown its pretty and simple.i am sorry you have to go through this it is so stupid all because you have acertin hair color?

    answer kmine?;...

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