
I HATE going to School???????

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Please Dont Answer if U do like it just for the friends part

i hate everything about because i have no friends, people label you as something like etc. nerd, emo, goth, prep, g*y, or whatever and i think thats wrong. (im not any of those things btw.)

and there are little brats that go to my school that think they are so cool just because they have expensive stuff, they are emo, or whatever, and it drives me nuts.

who else feels like they are rushing school with all of the commercials and stuff in stores?

11 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

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8 minutes ago

i wish i could be homeschooled but i cant, i also have really horrible worries like what if someone breaks into my house, or what if there is a tornado. or if someone lit there house on fire and then it spread to mine and killed my animals and my stuff.

i cry the day before school starts, but i still have to go and i hate it!




  1. Been there, done that. I suggest you deal with it. Trust me, I tried getting out 8th grade and got homeschooled for a few months. Biggest mistake of my life. I had to go to public highschool where I had to adjust to all that emo c**p youre on about and it was really hard for me. Just know who you are and thats all that really matters.

    P.s. I made a friends by sitting in front of him and having a conversation with him. Easy simple not hard to do.

  2. Trust me, high school is a lot better than middle school.  You'll get through it.  Try to get involved in school activities.  I know it sounds stupid, but the more people you know, the easier it is.

  3. Tell your parents I said to take you out of that stupid school and off those dumb medications.

    I'm a grand-parent's age.

    Otherwise, learn to deal with it.

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