
I HATE him! So why not leave?

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Why do women stay with their @$$hole boyfriends or husbands? If hes such a jerk then why not leave?

Why is it you women choose the ones that treat you poorly, instead of the ones that are nice? Are women that insecure that you need to be treated like c**p in order to feel loved? I don't get it.

I don't mean like a nice guy is a wussy sort of way either. I don't think its fair too push your man around, but in the same way why get pushed around yourself? I wouldn't want you to cheat on me, just like I wouldn't cheat on you. Same goes for violence. I don't believe that hitting other then playing around should ever occur..

Id prefer only women to answer this question. But I cant stop the men from doing so too..




  1. I am not sure what women stay with abusive or cheating boyfriends and husbands.  I think a lot of it has to do with fear.

  2. Most women do not set out to choose bad boys. The underlying problems seem to arise after being in the relationship for awhile..By that time you are hooked...Sometimes we try to impress in the beginning to be with someone. The Jeckll and hyde personality is a tough one to recognize until it is too late.. I believe there is good in most, but also bad in most..

  3. Well that is a very excellent question! I was actually with probably the biggest jerk known to man...but I left him, it took a while but I left...I guess that most women try to make people better but 90% of the time it doesn't help. I left the jerk and I am now with a extremely nice guy and could not be any happier....But my sister will not leave her guy which is a jerk also because in her exact words, "I do not think that I will be able to find someone better that will love me." she is very insecure about herself and no matter how many time I tell her that she will be okay without him, she can not believe it. So to answer your question, it is all a security issue, most women do not want to be they would rather stay with a jerk than take a chance on leaving him and not being able to find someone else! It's sad but true :(  

  4. they dont want to leave cause they are scared that their husbands will come and find them

  5. Any guy who claims to be a knight in shining armour has to at some point take it off.  Sometimes girls complain about their boyfriends to let off frustration.  I love mine more than anything, but God, does he get on my darn nerves!!!!!  I've also learned that those that claim to be jerks, usually are more emotional after some time, and those that claim to be the nice guy, well those end up being the biggest a-holes.  

  6. sry man lol im a guy lol and i toatly agree with you  

  7. I believe the women that stay just don't want to be single or feel that they can't get anyone better. basically they have low self esteem. anyone who has confidence and believe they don't need a man to be happy will not put up with it and leave. women that stay with guys like that just are scared of being single or being alone.  

  8. There are several possible answers

    They grew up with learning that it is a normal relationship by watching their parents behave like this

    They don't find out until they are far in to the relationship and are scared or financially stuck, not realizing there is help out there for battered women

    They have such low self esteem that they think they deserve this type of treatment

    cultural beliefs

    check out this site

  9. some women are like that but not all... its just that they're so in love with that person that they just dont care how they are treated... its sad but true.. its like they put some type of voo-doo on them. its not that they dont want better but its just they think that they cant get a better man. and the man that they are with are two-faced.. they're nice in the beginning of the relationship and once they get used to them they turn out to be devils.. my sister was in this situation once.. it was very sad but she's happily married now :)

  10. I, personally, have never been involved in the type of relationship you are describing.  But I think many women stay for various reasons:  Because there are children involved, they are financially dependent.   Their self-esteem may be so low they don't believe they could ever find or deserve someone better.  Could be b/c of how her father treated her mother.  Who knows?

    You are right:  Women DO chose the men they date. (Goes both ways.)  Maybe at first some of these men put their best foot foward, and they don't see the "real" person.  Or maybe they are attracted to the "bad boy" image, and the rest of the package is even worse.   Again, could be they are attracted to a man that was like their father was.

    Everybody has their own reason, it is hard to speak for the entire female population on this one.  Maybe these reasons can give you something to consider.

  11. It all boils down to fear. I honestly couldn't see myself ever succumbing to this kind of abuse, but--- it happens slowly. What woman do you know that went on a first date with a man who beat her and put her down, and then she went on a second date with him? I no of none.

  12. These woman already have low self esteems, and these men feed off of it.  Bad combination.


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