
I HATE school!!! Am I just acting whiny?

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I love school, but at the same time I hate it. I LOVE learning new things and applying all of my effort. I also get pretty good grades.

I just HATE the whole social thing... it causes lots of anxiety for me! I don't know if it's social anxiety, but I'd be WAY happier out of school. I can't explain the way I feel in school, it's just this terrible nervous feeling that won't go away. I realized this when I went back to school on Monday from the holidays I feel so much better at home with my family than I do at school with people., I really want to be home schooled or at least move to a different school so I can "start over"... but I'd rather be at home doing school work. What do you think? Am I being a bit whiny? What should I do...?




  1. No, your not being whiney.  I know what its like, I went to public school for 8 years and had to deal with rediculous friends as well.  But give homeschool a try and see what you think of it.  Personally, I really like it.  I find it really neat how you like to be at home with your family rather than at school with people, me too!

  2. yeah id agree school sucks, but in many cases the whole social thing doesnt change as much once you hit the work force, just by then you are more confident so you dont care.

    its somethig you are going to have to deal with forever, so get by just the best you can.

  3. no your not whiney i know exactly how you feel

    i was so depressed having to go back after winter break

    but just try moving to a new school and if that doesnt work

    ask to be home schooled

  4. You're not being whiny. You're just going through a phase. I feel exactly the same way you do. My reasons are different, but, still. Maybe you're shy and just don't feel comfortable around so many people you don't know. Some people are social little butterflies. Some aren't. No one can blame you for feeling the way you do.

  5. i am completely opposite. i love the social thing but hate doing work. you might just call me lazy

  6. I think every1 feels like that. I hates this monday when i got out of vacations, and yeah school is stressful, but mostly every1 feels like that. So u might be a bit whiny.

  7. I would suggest changing school

    i went to pvt school for awhile

    and it was so good

    so amaZing

  8. i think going to school isnt just about learning. its about making friends too. i would rather stay at home and not socialise. everyone at my school is either chavy and comon and speak fowly or are bullies. id be happir at home learning too. but school is school. we have to go. consider yourself lucky.There are people in africa and places who would love the chance to go to school. especially for free.. my grandad had to walk 4 miles everyday to go to school because he wanted a job. hes from jamaica.

    i'd like to change school so you can be anyone you want and no body knows you and you can be anyone.

    but if you are realy unhappy consider changing days are supposed to be one of the happiest days of your childhood.



  9. You're not just acting whiny. You are reacting to being institutionalized. It is not normal for a child to be sent away from a loving & safe home nearly every day to an artificial environment wrought with strangers whose only concern is their job comfort & job security. Ask any of your teachers if they'd be teaching for free if they were truly doing it because they love children & care about your well-being. It is not normal to be labeled, categorized and placed in large groups of other children the same age who have nothing in common except they attend the same institution. Read John Taylor Gatto's book 'The Underground History of American Education' and you'll understand what is happening to you. Public schooling is not about education and never was. Also, read 'The Art of Education' by Linda Dobson. You'll understand why homeschooling makes sense and is better for you academically, physically, mentally & spiritually.

  10. My daughter is the same way. She's not much into the socializing thing and she had a real hard time when it came to getting up doing oral reports and such. She just started homeschooling this year and, she loves it. There's more peace at home rather than in the classrooms and I actually think you can learn alot more by not being under pressure. I think this is what you need to do with the way you are describing your feelings. Hope thing's work out for you.

  11. What you should do is learn more about homeschooling, how it works where you live, what the requirements are, connect with a homeschool support group or association and ask people near where you live about things--how they do it, what kinds of activities are available, etc.--and see if it still interests you. At the same time, explore maybe another school or private schools in your area (if that's feasible). Make a decision based on having all of the information, then go talk to your parents.

  12. I think you should research the legalities of homeschooling in your area, research different materials and curricula that match your academic goals and learning styles and then go for it.  Find a homeschool group in your area for socializing and support also.    You will be amazed how much, how fast, and how fun it will be to learn.  You can tailor your education to achieve your career goals earlier.   And if it doesn't can always go back to school.

  13. i was like that in high school, minus the wanting to be with family part.  it's normal. . . lots of teens are anxious around peers.  honestly, a new school won't change it, bc chances are you'll be nervous around them as well.

  14. I felt the same way. I loved to learn but hated the environment.

    Some people hail schools as if it were the only socializing agent in the free world. It's not true. It's only one way to socialize, and not even the best way-- in fact the negatives often outweigh the positives.

    There are many ways to socialize as a homeschooler-- more "real world" ways, if you know what I mean, rather than the mini class/caste pecking order that has developed since they decided to group hundreds of kids together in one place for most of the day and segregate them by age.

    School socialization is completely unnatural-- you'll never experience anything like it again.

    My daughter was extremely shy in school, and homeschooling helped her come out of her shell.

    I think if you're interested in homeschooling you should talk to your parents and ask them to research it with you and then discuss it.

  15. just do your homework and practice picking up trash

  16. ur not being whiny. homeschooling is waaaay better. i do not think you should stay on the dark side(school). use your powers for good, not evil.

  17. Homeschool could be good for you, but don't isolate yourself socially, join a church youth group, join 4H, or go to boys and girls clubs.

  18. I don't reckon that simply changing schools will help rid you of your anxiety. Chances are it'll just go to the new school with you.

    I reckon your choice should be between home schooling and simply sticking it out. Have you always felt this way about the social side of school? If you've hated the social aspects of school ever since you were in Kindy then it's unlikely to be a simple 'phase' that'll go away in time/with perseverance!

    There's no reason why you can't check out the regulations (if any) and provisions for homeschooling in your locale. Simply investigating the idea is not a commitment!

    You would, of course, need to sound out your parents about it. Would they be willing/able to support you in staying at home? If you want to homeschool, your priority has to be to get your parents on side, if they're not already supportive of home education. You can't do anything without your parent's agreement and everything with it.

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