

by Guest59875  |  earlier

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and it wont stay clear ive changed the water and tried many differentnt types of water treatments but it just wont stay clear

any ideas on how to fix this

i have guppy'sys in it and a sucker fish

i have a big wiper filter that took up the whole tank but i got a smaller one from walmart that uses a air pump and hose


i need help i dont want my fish to die




  1. It's nearly impossible to keep a tank that size clean & not toxic. What are your ammonia, nitrite & nitrate levels?

  2. You know I had the same problem with my little 5 gal. Tank so I got a hang on the back power filter made for a ten gal & everythings been fine. Besides there is no such thing as overfilteration right? I would do a 50% water change every 24 hours till it clears up & if it still don't work then I would get a better filteration device.

  3. How long have you had the tank...even small tanks need to grow good bacteria and cycle.  

    As far as the guppy's and sucker fish in a small 2.5 Gallon tank.  You are overstocked and this could be part of the problem.

    "Sucker" fish or Plecos get to be about 18 inches long.  How many guppy's we talking about here?  3 is probably the max you wanna go with by them selves.  Let alone the fact you have an air pump and not a filter.

    They have the mini filters for the 2.5 Gallon Bows...that are adequate with a tank that isn't overloaded.  Solution, get the smallest filter you can find at Petco, Petsmart, local Pet Shop,  The 10 gallon filters at Walmart are going to be too big and create a current in your tank, as well as take up the outside space of the tank...where your hood will not fit on.  I would just upgrade to a 10 gallon Tank and start treating the water for chlorine.  Guppies and Pleco are pretty resilient and hardy.  You should take the Pleco back and go with a dwarf Pleco if you get the 10 Gallon tank.

    Best of Luck!

  4. All the air pump and hose is doing is providing oxygen, just put the filter back in, if it came with it its fine.

  5. the second pump you have sounds like a bubble pump and that doesn't actually filter it just oxigenates the water and breaks the surface tension making it easy to feed and get oxygen from the surface so you really do need a proper filter  

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