

by  |  earlier

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i have a newer roper machine and it stopped at the spin cycle.. so i bought i used one a kenmore, it worked for about a week and a half now its doing the same thing----- any suggestions???




  1. yea...i had the same problem a couple of times, but eventually it worked again

  2. You may get about 100's of answers to this question. But my suggestion is to use liquid soap. If you think about it, what happens when you add water to the laundry soap: it gets hard and clumpy. Now picture that getting stuck in all the holes and trapping in your water. I have been using liquid soap for years and have never had to replace my washer! Just a thought for you.

  3. There are several places where there can be a blockage in the way water exits a washing machine.

    The first place to look is in the washer filter. Some washing machines have filters you can remove - usually low on the front of the machine - that you have to clean out every few months. Since you have had the same problem with two machines, while it could be a coincidence,  and you should check it, this is probably not your problem.

    Then there is the pipe that runs from the washing machine to the drain pipe. Usually there is enough pressure from the machine that any blockage in this pipe is pushed out, but if you can remove it  from the machine, you can try to run water though it to see if it is blocked. But again, unless you have used the same drain pipe as was on the old machine, this is not likely to be the problem.

    Lastly, there can be a blockage in the house drains just where the pipe from the washing machine links to it. if your old washing machine did not have a good filter, then it is not impossible that there is a large built up of muck in this part of the 'waterway'. Some systems have filters and these too can be blocked, but this is where I would concentrate: there is usually something that you can take apart easily where the washing machine's drain enters the house drains. I would look there.

  4. needs a new belt. If you overload the machine that causes the belt to stretch.  

  5. You might be overloading it.  The motor isn't powerful enough to move the basin if there are too many clothes therein

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