

by  |  earlier

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it is very close to the beach about 1/2 acre plot




  1. why sell it? You should start a agricultural commune there and grow organic fruit.

  2. If it was left via a legal document then there should be a Solicitor/Lawyer/Agent in Jamaica who has a record of it.  Perhaps you should track them down and ask them to arrange to market the land for a pre-agreed fee.  If you negotiate a fee up front it saves any nasty surprises later on!!

    You could check with Jamaican Land Agents via the 'net to get a general idea as to what you could expect to get from such a sale (and the kind of fees involved).  Don't go with just one, ask half a dozen or so to be able to get an average figure to work from.

    Good luck

  3. In Jamaica we have real estate agencies like Coldwell Banker and so forth. To sell the land you would have to have proof of ownership and all. Once you are past that stage use an agency to evaluate and advertise it. Below are some real estate places here. ***TIP*** Also if your land is at a good location you should probably keep it and find some form of investment that may be made. perhaps will earn you more than what you cal sell it for.

  4. What part of jamaica is your land for sale???

  5. Chances are someone is growing pot on it right now. If not, wait a while, the value will soar.

  6. I would love buy your lands

    as long as it be in jamaican currency

    but unfortunately   not  now

    who knows within 5,6 years

    anyways  good luck!

  7. You should see and speak with a estate person

  8. Let a real estate agent handle it for u or u could just advertise in the sunday gleaner.

  9. go to the council (or the Jamaican equivalent). Maybe build something on it???

    answer mine :) ??

  10. sell it to me! email me.

  11. We do not live off of pot and we call it weed.U could see an agent or u could put a free ad in the observe classifieds on a sunday.IT IS FREE on sundays

  12. That could be worth an awful lot of dosh! I'd see an agent about it, they will get you the best price!

  13. This is my answer towards your question, I have a property that was was willed to me by my community, this is my peiece of advise, if your land is in an undeveloped place just leave it until it develops into a big area, because land is an asset it never falls, unlike cars that fade away.

  14. Hi

    Before you can do anything or start making any plans please follow this .

    You must first get the title of the land into your name , that's going to take about six months at least .

    Then you got to find out if there is any tax outstanding on it similar to our poll tax but not as expensive .

    No one will buy any land in Jamaica now without good title there has been so many "rip off " there over land and false titles .

    Once you have done all this get a valuation on the land first as land prices in Jamaica have gone through the roof over the last few years .

    Now the pain full part as the seller of the land you will have to pay a percentage of the selling price in tax . and the government send an inspector out to value the land to make sure you not selling it to cheap or on the fiddle OK

    Yes this is all going to take time and if there is someone living on the land which happens in Jamaica and they says it threes well that's another new ball game .

    I have two homes in Jamaica and have been through this nightmare so mail me if you need anymore help

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