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i have to memorize an american eagle ocmmercial for my acting class by tomorrow afternoon!

i only have 3 lines down!!

how can i memorize all of this by the end of today??







  1. The "short term memory loss" excuse never works, it's as popular in acting classes as "the dog ate my homework".

    The next worse excuse is taking the easy route and claiming you "forgot" which one you were assigned.

    A commercial is 60 seconds or less (most likely 30, I'm guessing). Sit down, put away the cell phone/blackberry, turn off the tunes, turn off the TV, TURN OFF THE COMPUTER, and read it. Over and over.  Read it aloud.  Read it into a tape recorder. Listen to it when you're tired of reading it.

    Then read it some more.

    If you're not serious about your classes, why are you bothering to take them? Are you just one of the thousands of "I really want to be famous and be on the Disney Channel" Y/A posters who doesn't want to do the work?

  2. You could study them for the rest of  the day.  If you can't remember them tell the person  I was to busy doing something else.  They will understand.

  3. Get Of Yahoo And Get crackin!

  4. Isolate yourself in your room with NO music or any other distraction.  Turn off the computer.  Turn off your cell phone.

    Write it down.

    Say one line over and over until you feel comfortable with it.

    Cover the first line up.

    Say the first line and then say the second line over and over until you feel comfortable with them.

    Cover up the first two lines.

    Continue with the rest of the lines until you reach the last line.

    After you finish memorizing the last line put the commercial away and say the whole thing.

    Now, you need to do it in a different environment.

    Go ask your parents to listen to you say the commercial.

    Call your friends up and ask them to listen to you say the commercial.

    Practice it before you go to bed.

    Practice it the first thing you do when you get up in the morning.

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