
I Had a Big Argument with my dad?

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This is a very long story, and might take a while to read.. Anyways today my dad asked me to go driving (practice driving) to get my driving license, I already failed the test once b/c of a silly mistake, anyways we were driving and he took me on a route and we were driving for 10 minutes, he expected me to memorize the entire route we took and do it again and I couldnt so I told him I was consintrating on driving not on memorizing the roads, and just said it in a soft voice, he said I was answering him back and he started yelling at me and putting me down calling me a failure that I was bad in school and that I couldnt even drive a car and that anyone could do it... Blah Blah Blah and so on, so I parked the car and told him I didnt want to drive anymore, every time we went driving this same thing happened, he went to sit down and told me that whenever i was ready to drive to call him, I waited for about 1 hour in the car with no a/c and 90 degrees outside




  1. I would like nothing more than to give you an answer that could fix all of this, but I can't. It sounds to me like you need to talk to somebody who has some experience in this area, as what you're talking about is way out of the scope of what people can do on this site. I don't know what country you're in, although I'm guessing it's America from the details you've given, so I can't recommend any specific organisations (I only know UK ones), but you really need to sort this. If you're still in school, which I assume you are, there should be somebody there you can ask for a number to call or website to go to. If you don't want things to go further, just ask for the number and don't give details, but if you are sure you want somebody to do something about this for you, tell him/her what you've written here.

    For what it's worth, I doubt very much that you're a failure. I failed my driving test the first time I took it, and it's no big thing. Also, not everybody's born to be an academic; plenty of people graduate who are not at the top of the pile, and some nowhere near it, who go on to make something of themselves. What you must not do is think of yourself as a failure. You are not perfect. That is what you're getting yelled at for, not for being a failure. Remember that when things don't work out as you'd like them to. We all have relationships fail; we all lose jobs or s***w up interviews; we all do badly in exams (I have friends who are doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, and even one who's an actual rocket scientist, and not one of them, not one of the 130+, can say that they always got the grades they wanted). Let nobody tell you that life is about being perfect; just make the best of it you can and be sure to learn from all your mistakes. Everybody makes them; it's just some are better at hiding them than others.

  2. I advise you to get someone else to teach you besides a parent or try to get them to enroll you in driving school. I think that your own parents are the worse people to teach you to drive. My mom was the exact same way and I am older and still learning to drive. Please dont let your dad discourage you like I allowed my mom too. If they wont pay for drivers school, just take it in stride and deal with his put downs and let it go in one ear and out the other. When you get your license flash them in his face and smile and when you do get them you can get a little freedom and get away from him. Good Luck

  3. I would like to hear your fathers side of the story before I answer this question!

    I know for a fact that there are other issues that you are not telling us.

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