
I Hate My Life, Please Help?

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I Have No Friends. My Parents Say They Love Me, But They Never Show It. I Always Get Stuck Doing Chores, When My Older Brother Does Whatever He Wants. All I Get For My Birthday Is A $10 Gift Card. I Never Git One Thing That I Wanted For Christmas. We Never Have Any Family Time. My Parents Say That It Is My Fault They Are Broke, When I Can't Do Anything About It And They Never Get Me Anything Anyways. I Have Only Had One Party In My Life - My 1st Birthday.




  1. You're not strong enough to overcome. There's no shame in that. Its not that you're weak, its simply that, all put together, they are that strong. Disassociate from them, and concede defeat. Think about the things you honestly want(not the things you want that you believe will lead you to the things you really want) and find creative solutions. You'll be healthier, happier and have stronger self esteem.

  2. You should remember that there are many people out there that are in a worse situation. There are even people who don't have anything to eat tonight. So don't depress yourself  too much. Just think about the good things. And remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. God bless you.  

  3. Are you eating anything?  Have you a roof over your head, and a place that is warm in winter and cool in summer?

    Here is a short email to watch.  It refers to our cultural tendency to worry and complain.  Hope it helps:

  4. My best advice is to find a good part time job. If you're not old enough to work then you can babysit or get a paper route. I got a paper route when I was 12 and I had a babysitting business. Here is why I think this may help:

    1. It will get you out of the house so you don't have to deal w/ family issues.

    2. You'll have your own money to buy the things you want. (try to save as much of it as you can too!)

    3. It is a very good way to meet people and make friends.

    4. Try talking to your parents and telling them how you feel about all of this. If they don't seem to care after you tell them how unhappy you are and don't try to help you that is NOT your fault. Sometimes when adults have too many problems of their own they take it out on their kids. Be strong and learn to be independent, that way you won't have to depend on people who always let you down.

    5. This may seem cheesey but it really, really is important. No matter how unhappy you get remember that drugs and alcohol are not the answer. All of my friends turned to those things and it ruined their lives. And try your absolute best to get good grades because that is the #1 thing that will get you anything you want in the future.  

  5. If you go to your public library and get some Sylvia Browne books and read them, you will find the answers to all of these questions you have.  We are all here on this planet to learn certain lessons, that we have chosen prior to coming here to learn, that we either want to overcome, or to learn for a reason.  There is so much more available on the reasons we are here living this life now.  The reason being, that more people have "died" and been brought back to life, and have had a view of our life after death.  Also psychics are coming forward more and more, with the things they see.  This life is not all for just life now, as we know it, we will take all this knowledge Home with us, and we will share it with those souls who weren't brave enough to endure a life, or for some unknown reason, didn't get to come here. We are here for "the experience of it all."   We have chosen our parents, our lessons, and when and where we were born.  All for a "Hidden" reason.  Take Care...hope you read some Sylvia Browne books!  Iylena

  6. I think you are a very smart girl with a strong mind.  I can see that one day you will grow up to be a very very successful woman.  U may not be able to have things your way but being able to go thru these things is what makes u a stronger and better person than anyone else around you. let me ask u a question...

    Who would u give more respect to..

    Peter the guy that drives 10 miles to work everyday and got a promotion in 3 months because he knows the boss.


    John that walks 10 miles to work everyday and works harder at work than Peter but didn't get the promotion because he doesn't know the boss as well as Peter did however he did not give up on his work and yet he work even harder and a even bigger company hired him for more money.

    We all have hard times. but its the hard times that brings each of us to a different level than others.

    "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed". -Booker T. Washington

    That is why i said that there is no doubt in my mind that you will grow up to be a very very successful person.

    Be independent and being able to think for urself.  be smart, work hard and don't do anything stupid that is going to ruin ur life.

    my best of luck for you

  7. I'm sorry. Really I am.

    But be optimistic. Go up and talk to people at school.

    Try to get your parents to make time for the family.

    Hope everything works out

  8. I'm sorry. Im going through some bad stuff too...some things you just cant fix and have to live with. Just know that you arent alone. Some people are just born unlucky =(

  9. Maybe its your attitude. Talk to your parents and tell them how you feel WITHOUT yelling. Go out and introduce yourself to people rather it be at school, church, h**l, even the grocery store. Try to get a job. Keep your head up, most of all.

  10. Ok, listen...  You must understand a few things: 1) your parents do love you even though they don't show it well, or often.  2) Your parents are human beings, they are not perfect, and may well turn out to be people you wouldn't hang out with if you were their age, so what!  3) Life is NOT fair, and never will be! Some of us are blessed with good parents, most of us have imperfect ones, you still have to move forward.  4) You are responsible for your own happiness! Create the life you want, within your means! Read the books you want to read, write a journal about all the things in your life, good and bad. Think about what you want to be when you grow up, and start making plans to fulfill your dreams! You have control over your future, so instead of wallowing in the muck of the past, take control and decide to be pro-active, and happy about where you're going. Read "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, and really hear what she says about life, and happiness.  5) We are ALL loved in a spiritual way, and have the power within us to be happy, content, and able to return that love! Love who you are! Good luck... don't give up!

  11. I'm sorry that your life at the moment is not going very well for you.

    In order to change negative things, you need to put a positive spin to it. I know it's hard, because it's happening to you, not to any of us....

    All the things that you mentioned suck! But just how you made a list of the things that make you sad, why not make a list of things that you can change....

    "I have no friends" what can you do to change this? no one will be able to help you on this one, you need to have courage and talk to some people, get in a club at school, push yourself to be more sociable...

    "Parents dont show you they love you" - talk to them, dont be mad, be calm and say something like, "I'm feeling a little down, i know you love me, but I just need to spend a little more time together, can we take a ride in the car to just, talk?"

    "Chores" - yes, they suck! i know I dont like to them... but what a better way to show your parents that you are trying to help out. unfortunately, you'll have to do chores for the rest of your life :(

    "Christmas" - sorry to say this, but this time is about being together and showing love for your family! have you ever wondered "why" you didn't get the stuff you wanted? Maybe they didn't have enough money.

    "$10 for B-day" - atleast you got something. My family is not wealthy, we had to settle for a home baked cake, and everyone listening to music outside.

    You cant change the fact that they work hard to provide the things the family needs and still not have enough for the things you want. You have to admit that you have told this list to your parents many times, so as a parent myself, I can tell you, it sucks to hear from your kids that you are not doing a good enough job. Life is not easy! Not for you, and certainly not for your parents... stop dwelling of material things, and be thankful that you have parents that atleast remember your bday. Maybe the less you complain, the more open they would be to hearing you out.

    If things are this bad for you, what do you think your parents are going through? Talk to them, but about spending more time together, not about useless material things...

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