
I Hate My Mom, Just Wanted To Get This Off My Chest?

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I hate my mom, but whether i hate her or love her she is still my mom which is the only reason why i still have the tiniest little respect for her. Since 7th grade, she been calling me a failure at life, eats **** at school and will never achieve anything in life. Shes caused me so much pain in my life and right now at my sophomore year at high school, i've gotten used to all of it. So far iv gotten a average of 92.5% on my report card grades (only my dad is proud of me, as of mom...well she still calls be a piece of ****.) I'm also in the honor role planning to go to MIT and finally get away from her. The reason for this is because everyday when i get home from school, i sit down and do hw, i dont know whats wrong with my mom but she comes in and criticizes me for the way i sit and how i look like a slob. Since the beginning from 2nd grad,e my mom has been hitting me with sticks/brooms and everything she can find to abuse me, just because i wanted to go out and play a little football before i start my homework, she doesn't hit me now since i lock my door whenever she comes back. Then when i get on-line to chat with my friends like a normal teenager, she says "oh this is why you suck at school so much", i tried many times to explain to her but she will never understand. When i go out to play some ball with my friends, she locks me inside the house claiming my friends to be a bad influence when she doesn't even know anything about my life. Now, shes gotten a job from about 10AM-11PM so ive relieved myself from all this hatred, but the bad thing is..she doesn't even buy food for me when she comes home so my dad gives me allowance for dinner everyday. My dad is cool, he comes home as late as mom and we hang out together on sundays, I just wanted to share this with you guys, feel free to comment. BTW I'm fine, no marks on my body or anything, but i always thought a mom to be loving, caring, says good-luck to there child when he goes to his first day at school, but mom, she curses me out thinking I'm a failure at life.




  1. your mom is bitter with her life.maybe there is something she wanted very much that she did not get because of having to your dad about it. tel him your concern and talk to your mom in front of your dad.tell her everything.all your heartaches.or maybe what she wanted for you is not what you want yourself which will make you a failure for her.just talk to if you could get away from her the better. she will learn to recognize your value when youre gone.try to stay away from her as long as you can but keep in contact with your dad...

  2. forget her,

    u are who u want to be.

    u are not **** ok?  

  3. When I saw the title to your post I was prepared to give you the old, you hate her now but you will love her again tomorrow speech. After I read what is happening to you I changed my mind. I would probably hate her too. If you really can't stand it living with her, you can call child protective services or tell an adult you trust, like a teacher or counselor at school. They will help you find another place to live. Since you are almost old enough to go out on your own, I'm leaving you the choice rather than telling you that you should.

    What does your father say about all this? He shouldn't be allowing her to abuse you like that.

    You are big enough now to take the stick away from her if she tries to hit you with one. You have every right to do that. Just take it away and walk away. Don't fight her back.

    I feel bad for you. Whatever you do, don't let what she says and does convince you that you are a loser or lacking in any way. She has a mental problem and shouldn't be a mother. Its her, not you with the problem.

    I applaud you for striving to do well in school and working hard so you can have a good life. Remember, no matter what you go through now you have many, many more years as an adult and preparing for that now will give you the chance to have a great future then.

  4. Tell her "That's ok mom.I am going to go to college one day get a good job and move and you will NEVER EVER have to see or hear from me again.When the time comes I will pick out the cheapest rest home for you by proxy, and you will die alone there never having seen me since I left home,after all I do not want to be where I am hated so much."

    That should put her in a cheery mood andif she gets crappier, ask her"have you ever thought that prozac might be right for you?"

  5. Your father should step in on this situation. I assume he and your mother are together and you all live in the same place. Your mother is abusive to you and that is really bad. Does she abuse your dad too? Sounds like she needs help and a lot of it. It is a sad thing for you to go through. Talked to your counselor at school about this.

  6. wow, i just want to say im so sorry to hear that! i dont think you should say you HATE her tho. my mother died when i was in 3rd grade and i would do anything to have her back. but you need to realize it is not you at all! sounds like your mom has some issues that she needs to address. and you are the closest one to take her frustration out on. you dont deserve that at all! when my mother died i went to live with my older sister. she is 17 yrs. older than me so she was like a mother figure. she did almost the same thing your mom is doing to you. not as bad as your mother but it stil effected me ya know? she turned me into a very vurnerable person and i will never forgive her for that. but it made me stronger as well. just know that its not you, its her. maybe try and talk to your dad about it. he seems pretty cool. good luck!!!!

  7. Yeah normally mums are meant to be nurturing and caring, I'm so sorry to hear about this, I really am, this is not healthy and I'm glad that you at least have your dad to lean on.

    Sounds like your dad needs to have a talk to her or something, this is emotional abuse and can be very damaging if not handled properly

  8. put the same example to your dad ,like tell him if when he was a kid his mom do this do that ..what had he done ? well depend on what he tell you ,tell him that you are in that position and really you start hating your mom ,and really want to be far way from your house ,and tell him if gonna tell to your mom you want to be present ,I think you have to hear what your mom act like that with you

  9. Your mom has some issues. Please don't let this make you bitter and hateful. I know that she does love you, sounds like she has some really bad ways of communicating with you. Do the best that you can do, make yourself proud, be honest and loving. No matter how rotten she is, just be nice and then always tell her you love her. Sometimes people get in a rut and they don't know how to stop acting her how to act by treating her the way you want to be treated.

    By the way, good luck at school...but sounds like you are already doing wonderful!

  10. just ask what she want you to do and try to do it as the way she like it or maybe you should ask her what you hate i had done nothing to you or did you try thinking about what you might have done that made her hate you and try to make her happy in the best ways you can cause its your mom and i don't know but my mom loves me and whatever i do she never call me that cause its my mom and she gotta love just think about it.

  11. wow, that's sad ):

  12. How old are you now?  

    Your mother is a cow. And clearly you arent a failure. She is a b*tch.

    If she ever tries to hit you at all - i suggest, now that you are old enough, you grow the ballls and grab her hands. Speak really slowly and low to her and say 'There will be no more of you hitting me - you want to do that - i can do alot more back to you, do NOT push it, especially for your stupid reasons.'

    Im glad that you have a good father, I hope he does understand everything.

    Good luck - when you are over 18, I really hope that you tell her where to go if she ever harasses you.  

  13. aw. that sounds really tough. i have the same thing... just with my bro in a way. he locks me out of the house and c**p. im really sorry :(

  14. Peter, I am a grown woman and I too have always had a bad relationship with my mother. I took therapy for 2 years to get over the mental pain she caused me.  First, let me explain to you that your mother's actions are not normal and you did not cause her to behave this way. Some people have mental issues that causes them to be abusive, or they just suck at being a parent. You are not at fault here. Do not let her behavior tear you down. Work hard at school and do your best so you can get the heck out of there after you graduate.  Don't let anyone get in your way and go as far as you can with your education. Then you can get a decent job where you will NEVER have to ask her for anything again.  Secondly, some relationships with other people can be toxic relationships, even if that person is your mother.  Your mother's actions are definitely toxic to your mental health. For the time being, ask your father if he can help in keeping your mother away from you.  After you are grown and she is still being abusive, even if it's verbally, tell her you want nothing to do with her until she can act better.  Respect is a two way street.  If you get along with your father, continue to see him away from her presence.  Peter, you sound like you are a great person, and I want you to remember that you will eventually be out of this situation and go on to better things.  Good Luck!

  15. No you don't................

    You love your mom, you're just very unhappy with her.

    She does the things she does because she loves you, wants you to do better than her, but just doesn't express it the right way.

    Often if  the child, behaves like the parent, they see their own faults and don't like them.  So, she's likely seeing things in you that she doesn't like about herself and punishing you for it.

      Find her in a good mood and sit her down and explain to her how you feel.  It might make a difference, and it sure couldn't hurt.

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