
I Hate My Parents. Please Tell me What do i do.?

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They make meSoo Furious :( Everyday They ask me for alot of things. When i dont feel like it. When i tellthem Why cantmy sis do it They tell me Im asking you not her. WTH shoud I do.




  1. If its so bad with your parents, my only answer is it find somewhere else to live.  Maybe a grandparent, or an aunt, or a friend's family will take you in.  

    If not, then your only other choices are to be homeless or deal with your current situation.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Look i can't tell anyone how 2 beel but just think what wuold u do if your parents were gone. My dad died when i was 7 and my mom died 2 weeks ago. I used 2 hate my mom with all my heart & I would get furious and tell her i hate her. Now i would give anything to tell her I love her. Just try 2 talk it out with them because remember u can hate them all u want but they'll still be your parents.

  3. Fair enough, you don't like the fact your parents ask you do them favours. That's not enough to hate them over, or consider severing all ties with them over.

    I myself dislike my parents a great deal, and I can reassure you they've done an awful lot more to make me dislike them than asking me to go and help putting the shopping away, or clean a room up.

    Maybe you ought to think about people in real situations, who desperately need to escape their parents, then you'll see that your situation is actually quite rosey.

  4. Pack up and move out and live on the streets or live under your parent's roof, eat the food they buy enjoy television, computer, video games they pay for and pay the electricity to run and shut your mouth

  5. Just take it, thats basically what i do. If you do what they say without any questions they will proably give you less to do. If they are making you really mad then tell them and talk to them about it. And if you can't try to find things after school 2 do to minimize time you have to spend with them. Also if the make you really mad try finding something that calms you. Like listen to music. hope this helps :)  

  6. You are  lucky to have parents who care about you enough to always teach you about the world and life.

    One day when you are a parent and you have responsibilities you will realize that your parents only want to take care of you the best they know how.

    And if they ask you to do something do it.

    You both save time arguing.  

  7. just think of this if you had no parents you be living on the streets. they supply everything for you so you should just shut up and do what your told.

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