
I Hate School.?

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I hate school. The teachers can't teach! My science teacher lets us sleep in her class,my math teacher has severe anger management problems. My History teacher is a kid herself. The others don't care about us what so ever. Ive went to counselors and therapists...It doesn't help. There is much much bullying and cursing which is mostly from racial issues. My parents,the counselor,and myself have given Homeschooling and private school some thoughts. But I will likely not be able to afford private school. But Homeschooling isn't a bad idea. My friends from another school want me to join them there,but I was bullied there so. Ive been depressed,nearly attempted suicide,and turned goth. This is killing me. Can anyone give me any help whatsoever?! I'm also only 13. Way to young for all this. But it has tought me to be alot more mature.




  1. Oh you gotta be kidding, thats not very good to have to go through at 13 :( I feel sorry for you. ut the best option does sound like the homeschool option, after all who wants to go to a school with a bunch of racists. Not me i can tell you that... If you feel happier and safer doing home school you can always see your friends after school and on weekends, cant you? So if thats the case homeschool might be the best option. Good luck, and keep happy.

  2. stop goin like i did

  3. I will tell you that school is intended to prepare you for life.  The best way to learn about life is to live it for yourself.  Homeschooling can allow you to learn at your own pace in your own way - and in the end you will know how to teach yourself anything.

    School is not a realistic social environment - believe me.  The socialization that goes on there can be damaging for some kids.  If you want to make a mature decision about your future, I would suggest you seriously consider homeschooling.  It can eliminate the distractions and help you in so many ways.  Check out online resources - there are a ton of web sites (some free) to teach a variety of subjects from home.  Good luck and best wishes!


  4. Home schooling is a great idea, I'm home schooled too and I love it!

  5. Wow!!!  Sounds like the school from h**l.  Not a big proponent of home schooling, because you lose so much social inter-action, but your school sounds like a dump.  Maybe home schooling is the way to go.  Once you have finished your high school requirements, attempt further schooling.  You will find, in college, others who are trying to better themselves.  You won't be around a bunch of knuckleheads who are passing time before they make their career move to Mickey D's.  The professors are actually committed to furthering your education also.  Good luck, and hang in there.

  6. A lot of times there are special schools for kids who are called "behavior problemd kids" These are usually not all bad kids but just kids that don't tend to fit in anywhere else..A lot of times the kids became life long friends with each other because they are all in the same boat..And understand each other..See if there is something like this in your school district..Another way you might be able to go is home school with a friend..maybe there is another kid like you who doesn't quite fit in and both of you can home school together having one of your parents do the teaching..this way you are not totally alone..

  7. if u go to classes then utilize u r time in school to revise what has been taught in classes ok.

  8. You know , you are so much more mature than many many other teenagers, and some of them never grow up.

    The fact that you want an education is a really good thing, never ever change your mind about that. You need education for your future life, and believe me , I know soooo many people who hated school, thought it was booring, and like didn't care if they passed their classes or not, well geuss what? ALL OF THEM, ALL are now regreting what they lost. Most of them can't even think about college, because they don't know what "study" means, and they know it. AND they hate their jobs but without a college degree you can't get a decent job. So, go for the best education that you can get, put all of your self out there, and its not too early, on the contrary , it is easiest to learn when you're young.

    And Honey, don't ever even consider suicide, from where I stand you seem to be much more worthy of living than those who don't appriciate their youth by throwing it all away for "fun","parties", "alchohol" ,and "drugs". Don't do those things, and save your self for the one ( if you know what I mean).

    Man, I like how you are, you deserve a good education and future.

  9. Everybody hates school, to be quite honest. High school,middle school. It all sucks. Isolating yourself and not learning ways to A) defend yourself/stick up for yourself and B) how to socialize with others which may be a problem. Is the problem mostly your teachers or you as it seems to be. You need read help, make sure your parents know and understand how depressed you are. Things are never as bad as they seem, try to see everybody from a different perspective. But yeah, school sucks.

  10. Stop passing judgment on all your teachers and just listen to what they have to say!!!  You sounded to me like your just keeping doors closed to you, before they even get a chance to be opened!!!  You have not said ONE positive thing here, its all what they aren't doing or what they have done to you!!!  EXCUSE AFTER EXCUSE!!!   Have you ever heard the term, "HAVE AN OPEN MIND?"!!!!

  11. Home schooling may be the answer for you.  It will allow you to concentrate on your education and not the bulls**t that comes along with a public education.  However, you may want to consider some sort of counselling for the suicide attempt and the depression.  It may help you make your decision, also.

  12. feel your pain bro, i hate life, but you got to go on.  drive by a children's hospital and imagine the 5 year old going through chemo and your life as terrible as you make think it is, ani't nothing compared to those kids.

  13. I hate to give out advice in the form of a used out quote...but "you must be the change you wish to see in the world"....something like that

  14. Do some research then tell your parents you want out of public schooling. Obviously you are computer literate so go to as many homeschooling websites & blogs as you can. Print out info for your parents to read. Tell your parents to read 'The Underground History of American Education' by John Taylor Gatto Many parents fear the unknown and homeschooling is foreign to them. It may be up to you to educate them. Public schools are simply institutions that warehouse children. You are feeling the effects of being institutionalized, probably since the age of 4 or 5 if you started kindergarten. Longer if you went to preschool. Good luck & get out now!

  15. Okay firstly wake up. Your 13 & say your turning mature because you hate school, nearly attempted suicide & turned Goth... Dont sound to mature to me mate. If you teachers are letting you sleep in class its probly cos nobody listens to them anyway. Dito for the angermanagment. By calling your History teacher a kid herself, I'm presuming she is fresh out of college, doesnt mean she doesnt know what she's on about. If you really have depression get medication & fix it, stop playing poor me. Sorry if this sounds harsh darl but being a teenager is c**p, only you can make it better.

  16. If your parents and you both agree that the only affordable option is homeschooling, go for it!! What do you have to lose? Just remember that you can only go forwards in life so don't treat this like a free ride. Commit yourself to doing the work. Find out if there are some Homeschool groups in your area, where you can meet up w/ some kids your age, get involved with something you are interested in:4H, computers, etc...Good Luck!!

  17. where do you live? dam in san francisco, those teachers are considered coool..

  18. ok i dont enjoy school that much too but once i start to go like ok i wish i dint go to school and became like a plumber or w/e, i think of the beautifulk caars houses things w/e that i will own if i get a great education and a high earning job

  19. I was home schooled for the majority of my elementary years. At the start of high school I felt I was missing out on the life that all the others seem to have. I convinced my parents for me to go to public school. I hated it, it brought on depression and forms of self punishment for not 'fitting in.' I was mad that I did not find that happiness that all the others seem to have. As far as the academics goes, I was doing as a freshmen what I did in sixth grade at home. I quit it after 3 months. Now, in hindsight I should have stuck it out. I still, 8 years later, deal with social anxiety.

    My problem was with me in or out of public school. It was me.

    I am not sure how much your school location has to do with your problem. I do believe what you are experiencing is called growing up. This is just a part of it. I encourage you to stick it out. Do not let these kids bother you. Be sure of yourself. Find the good things to think on and these other things will pass. Do not be your worst enemy. As humans we are our worst critic. Let yourself breathe some.

  20. Well, goth isn't the end of the world is it? I'm a Tim Burton fan myself. We're like the Adam's family's brightly colored cousins.

    Suicide on the other hand, is not so hot. It just isn't a reasonable solution. I'm glad you've made it past that point in your frustration.

    Homeschool is a great option IF it is something you can get excited about and really enjoy. You will need your parents support and input. But, beware that you don't become more withdrawn. I only say this because you mention a history of depression. Homeschool is what you make it. It can be an excellent opportunity to meet new people and create a new circle of friends. But it can also allow you to stay in and stagnate. Freedom is like that. Your choices will determine everything.

  21. have u thought about accessing another school or even going to college.  you can also try speaking to somone u trust im sorry that you hate skool i hate it to try speaking to a friend or family they  will be abe to sort it out.  you can always go to the nearest connexions office in your local are.

  22. Im going through almost exactly what you are. I hate school, can't afford to go to private school, and my mom won't let me get homeschooled! It's horrible, I know how your feeling, like you just don't even want to get out of bed or something? Honestly, I would get homeschooled if I was you. That way you could join a small group where no one would bully you (homeschool support group), and that makes it so you can still be social. You seem like a good person, and I'm sorry you've had to go through this, if it helps you, know that your not alone.

    Take care.

  23. ive gone through this also. I know it feels horrible every day is like h**l. just push through high school its only a couple years then you'll hit college where people actually study and not be mean and cool. Im in high school myself. I also want to know how to solve this problem but once schools over your free.
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