
I Have 2 guinea pigs and now I want more, How do I convince my Dad?

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I have 2 adorable little babies ( their 8-10 months old each) and I would love to have more, but my dad says no (The two now are very healthy).




  1. dont u think 2 is enough?

    lol thats cute though=]

    i used to have a guinea pig

  2. If your dad says no, he means no.  To me, you sound like a spoiled little kid saying "I WANT I WANT I WANT, GIVE ME MORE!" Be happy that he even let you get the two you already have.

  3. Ok, what I did was make a huge powerpoint presentation and show them in a professional setting. I did that and I got my two guinea pigs! :) I want more, too, but I know my parents won't let me. You could also set up some visual representations of why you want more and how you are responsible enough to have more. Also, try writing a five page report. That way, they'll feel bad you went through all the hard work and will accept your offer! Just do something difficult and they should crack! Good luck!!

  4. If you really want more guinea pigs, you need to prove to yourself AND your dad you can take care of them.  I had 2 guinea pigs - a boy and a girl - one day I was letting them play together and walked away for a few minutes (my bad...) and ooops! A couple months later, I had 2 more.  Granted, they are adorable and super-fun but you have to consider a number of factors here...

    What genders are you going to have?

    How many cages/habitats will you be able to provide?

    Which guinea pigs will be able to live together, which will not?

    Are you prepared to buy a new cage/habitat if 1 or more of the guinea pigs living together end up fighting with one another and require separation?

    Also, consider costs associated with multiple animals.  Two guinea pigs are going through X amount of food, water, bedding, treats, etc per week.  2 more doubles that amount.  

    Now that my two babies are nearly full grown, I am going through an entire bag of guinea pig pellet food about once per week.  I have 2 large cages for them (2 in each one) and I go through 2 large bags of bedding each week to keep them clean.

    Obviously, I don't know how old you are.  I had guinea pigs growing up, and that's what attracted me to them again, years later.  They are great for kids and young adults who want pets, can handle some responsibility, but don't have the time or desire to commit to something like a dog.

    If you're old enough to try and prove yourself and your level of committment and responsibility to your father, by all means go for it.  If you're not and as (rudely) as someone else mentioned you're just feeling greedy and spoiled, maybe you should wait awhile and see where having 2 takes you.

    Whatever you do, listen to your dad.  He's got a much larger knowledge and experience base than you have.  And make sure you don't get in over your head.  There is nothing more sad and unfair than someone taking on too many animals (even with the right intentions) and not being able to properly care for them and give them what they deserve.


  5. Well, i have a guinea pig, a gecko, a dog, and two cats. My dad does not really like having animals but i convinced him by, making a deal with him telling him i will do ANYTHING!!! Say you will like clean the bathroom for a month, something that makes him happy, Also say that you will take the best care of it.

  6. For one person two animals is enough. For every pet you get you have to divide your attention more and more, it becomes unfair to your animals because they need your attention, but one person can only give so much at a time.

    2 guinea pigs are enough.

    If you are absolutely stuck on getting more and you somehow talk your dad into getting them, search around in shelters, so you can save on that actually NEEDS a home rather than one in a petstore.

  7. Tell him that they're very social animals and like to live in pairs and groups.

    It's possible to introduce more guinea pigs but, you would have to invest in more cages and keep them separate for a while until they are used to eachother. There are certain things you would need to do to introduce them to eachother properly but, it can be done.

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