
I Have A Big Friend Problem???

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and I'm a guy and my friends have recently made friends with these 2 guys that I really don't like. It's not 4 stupid reasons or anything like that. It's because they're both only 14, but they smoke, drink and want 2 take poppers. These guys really don't like me because they don't like my views of not drinking, not smoking and not taking drugs. They also don't like me because they don't like my music. They commented me on myspace 2 take my music playlist off of my profile because "They are the gayest songs I have ever heard". They also tried 2 get me 2 smoke which I will never do. My friends think that these guys are cool. Now I know you're going 2 say "Don't be friends with them then" but my friends are I big part of my life but thet have fallen in with some of the wrong people. I was out with my friends today and those guys were there and I made up an excuse saying that I felt sick because I couldn't stand being around them anymore. Another reason that these 2 guys don't like me is because I am a "Boff" because I do well in school and I got the highest exam results at the end of the year. I wasn't like boasting about it or anything but before we met them we were talking about our results and somebody must have told them. What can I do about these people? Thank you




  1. I understand this is a difficult situation for you at this time.  However I would suggest that it is time for you to meet other people who share your interests and values.  You might consider joining school groups of interest to you or outside organizations of the same. You just might be pleasantly surprised of how many people share your way of life. You sound like a great friend to have and I am sure there are plenty of people who would be appreciative of your friendship. All the best and good luck !!!!

  2. First I'd like to say that your parents raised one heck of a great kid. :-)

    My advise is to let the other two boys decide the fate of your friendship. Tell them the truth, how you feel and give them the option to stay your friends or go their separate ways. Do it as politely as possible, but stand firm on what you believe. Good Luck.  

  3. Not much you can do besides avoid them.  One of my mates had a lot of 'friends' I couldn't stand but he enjoyed their company (or tolerated them) so I just wouldn't go round his place when they were there.  My friend understood that and accepted it.  Maybe your friends can do the same for you.

  4. There will always be @$$holes in the world that will stop at nothing to p**s you off. Maybe subconsciously they are jealous of you, or just don't like because you're better than them. Just tell your friends about how you don't like the 2 f**kers, and they should start to try to hang out with you or them in a balanced way.

  5. Well, you obviously know that they aren't the greatest people to hang out with. It's good that you realize that.

    But since your friend doesn't, you should talk to him about it. Does he really want to ruin his whole life by hanging out with the wrong crowd?

    And if all persuading doesnt work, its time to get a new crowd to hang out with. It's hard to lose your friend, but if he doesn't listen to your logic when your trying to help him, then it's up to him to make the right decision. and decide if your friendship is vauable enough to hang out with people who make bad choices.

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