
I Have A Boo Boo.?

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I have A Boo Boo On My Right Elbow, Now If I Get One On My Left Elbow Does That Make Me Look.... Different?




  1. Last time I had a boo-boo I looked the same. First right, then left.

  2. ha ha, look at the freak everyone!  one elbows different than the other!  ha ha!

    (you gotta do the ha ha's using nelson's voice from the simpsons, much funnier that way)

  3. It makes you look like Sidney Crosby, only with teeth!!!

  4. To answer the question, no it won't.

    But I thought you could only get carpet burns on your knees.....

  5. Yeah! It Will Totally Make You Look.... Different. Don't Try It. Conform To Everyone Around You By Posting All Questions In The Hockey Section!

  6. Is there no sanctuary from Troll Freaks?!!!  My GOD they have infiltrated the Hockey Forum too!!!! WTF does this have to do with Hockey?

    Sorry must of missed something before this question was posted.  No offense missinnocent.

    Your sarcasm is funny, I don't care who you are!!LOL

  7. IDK, i only know what its like to get boo boos on both my elbow at the same time.

  8. No...but the one between your ears looks a little odd!

  9. lol. love the fake question. yes. your right elbow will look WAY different and you wont look totally hawt no more!

  10. yeah you'll be hideous

  11. Yes. And if you make instant coffee in a microwave you will go back in time.

  12. IT will make u look emo

  13. i think you will look rather dashing with a boo boo on both elbows.
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