
I Have A Car Question???

by  |  earlier

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My wife is epileptic and really wants to drive and she has been seizure free for 7yrs(knock on wood) and i would like to know if there is a safe car for her to drive? Is there any kind of special key/device that could be put in and in the event of a seizure the key/device could come out therefore stopping the car and preventing an accident?

My neighbor had this key thing for her car and she had to put it in before she could put her key in the ignition or her vehicle wouldn't start so i am wondering if anyone knows if this kind of device is still available or is my wife out of luck and cannot drive at all?




  1. I don't think such a predicitive device exists. If it did, all accidents could be avoided. Someday maybe.  

  2. ask her dr. if it is possible for to start driving. i have a friend and they took his license for him, but he got it back, he drives now, he hasn,t had a seizure for over a year now.

  3. I feel for ya man yes there are devices that can shut down an engine similar to watercraft safety switches that much is easy but safely applying brakes and steering is a whole other story the closest thing i know of is the ability for some lexus vehicles to park themselves. the vehicle would have to be fully autonomous we're just not there yet a combination of the lexus technology and gps may make it possible sooner than you think! don't take no for an answer GOOD LUCK!!

  4. tho there isnt such a device they do have the remote button start cars and push button start cars ik its not exactly what your looking for but then the car would be push button on and off

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