
I Have Asperger's Syndrome, How Do I Apply For DLA?

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I'm 20, have asperger's syndrome and was recently turned down for DLA (disability living allowance) due to the fact i don't need help with care or mobility, but asperger's is still regarded as a disability therefore i should still be entitled to it, shouldn't i?

It's it a contradiction that asperger's is a disability but doesn't qualify for DLA. Although i don't need help with care or mobility i do have problems which make it harder to find employment.




  1.  You people are obviously ill informed, idiots.  You have no idea or concept what its like to live with an autistic disorder.  Also in reference to it being minor and that ADD is minor.  I sincerely hope that you have children born with either or with any luck both, because it the only time ignorant morons such as yourself will ever understand something that affects your whole life. Shame on you and shame on your parents for raising their children in such a backward and socially destructive way.

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