
I Have Everything, Yet, I'm Still Not Happy?!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a great life. I life in America, my parents are, for the most part, happily married, I have a great relationship with both of my sisters, I have money of my very own in the bank, I get good grades, I have a few good friends, but yet, I'm still not happy. It's not that I don't realize what I have, because I do; I know how very lucky I am...But knowing and feeling are completely different. Why aren't I happy? =(

Thanks xoxo

P.S. I'm only 17 (and I know thats waaay too young to think my life is complete) but I still just don't feel happy, not at all. Help? =(




  1. Everyone feels down sometimes, and some more than others.  I have been in your shoes, too.  I am glad to hear that you see how fortunate you are.  I think you need to do something new and "crazy" with your close friends.  Go out and meet some new hot guys, drive to an amusement park and go on some thrill rides, go on a shopping spree, go on a drive blasting the music...Do something that you know will make you smile!

  2. go to church that's what you need , a relationship  with Jesus , and a good church family , hope you go be blessed

  3. keep doing what you're doing. Reach out to others, tell them how you feel. talk about it. Talk to your sisters, friends, parents, maybe a counselor, or pastor. Keep the line of communication open. Often times when we feel down we want to retreat, be private, close up inside...and that is not healthy.  I will point out that since you are a teenager, your are extremely hormonal...your body is changing in ways you can't began to comprehend right now. You are at major crossroads in your life too, going from child to adult, that isn't easy (I've been there).  Get out, have fun with friends, do your favorite things (movies, shopping, etc), exercise, and eat a healthy diet. I think you will be ok, but if you think it's deeper than that...ALWAYS tell your parents. Maybe you could go to the Dr. or counselor for health and mental check-up, and there is nothing wrong with that either, they can help you feel better too.

    Good Luck Sweetheart and Best wishes,


  4. Many people think it has to do with the way you are, but I don't believe that, I believe it has to do with something that is very important to you and that until you get it you will keep feeling that way, I might be wrong but I've always been a lot like that too.

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