
I Have Extra Fine Gravel Or Sand As A Substrate In My Aquarium But How Am I Suppost To Siphon It Without...

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...without sucking up all the sand instead of dirt?




  1. It's tricky. Keep the siphon above the sand so that only the dirt gets sucked up. You'll probably still lose a little sand, so it would be good to have some extra to replace it with.  

  2. Look at the siphon devices that are sold in stores. See? A large intake attached to a smaller drain hose. You let the sand stay in the large chamber while the lighter "material" is carried away. You accomplish this by controlling the rate of flow,so the process is sort of "balanced". You have to be smarter than the sand.

  3. you have to take the siphon head off and just leave the hose let it hover over the sand spin it it in a circular motion and it will stir up the dirt causing it to suck the dirt a little of the sand will get sucked up so make sure when you siphon that the water goes into a bucket so if u suck up sand it will be caught in the bucket just empty some of the water from the bucket with the sand and let the water evaporate and then you can put the sand back in the tank

  4. and that is why i hate salt so if you want you cant copleatly empty the tank and clean it and bye more sand:(

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