
I Have Jury Duty Tomorrow at 1:30pm...?

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How long can I be kept there, what time do courts close. Will I be called back next week even if I don't get picked as a juror?




  1. You will be there for at least 2 hours and it could be as many as 5 hours. Courts usually close by 5 pm but if a jury is in the jury room then the judge can keep you over for some time.

    You are on a jury panel. I do not know the local laws where you are, so these are generic kinda sorta like what you will find in TX, NM, CO, CA, AZ etc. Jury panel drawn from drivers license lists and voter registration consists of 3 to 5 hundred people who are divided into two panels that each cover either a 3 or 4 month time time span depending on the local. If there is a trial scheduled for a set date then the panel on call must be in the court room by 8 AM.  A jury of 12 people and 1 to 3 alternates depending on supposed length of trial will be chosen. then the Trial begins. Jury will be there for 1 to 10 business days normally. There may be other calls on the panel but sitting jurors do not participate until the trial they are sitting on is over. I have served several times and once I never went in except for the initial jury pool meeting. the rest it averaged about 5 times for 3 months.

    Remember that if you have the privileges and rights as a citizen then you must accept the responsibilities.

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