
I Have No Idea What Makeup To Buy- Help!

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I'm 16 years old and want to buy some of my own makeup. Usually I borrow from my friends or sister, but I want my own now.

So what do I buy? What are the essentials?

Are there any sites that can help me with this?

I'm buying all this from Sephora so please try to stick to their products.





  1. The PRIMARY thing is to hv a skincare routine; soap & water r deadly as it jsts strips away essentials oils/causes blemishes. Many swear by Mac bt Im nt impressed. Mary Kay hs always done  well for me; thy hv a gr8 teen skincare "system" called Velocity tht I use & am no where near teenager..smiles. I recently started using Bare Essenciuals b/c of the all natural elements. Wrks well. Thy snd new makeup evry 3 mths or whtrvr I choose according 2 my usage. No need 2 go 2 the store 2 replace wht I may hv run out of! So, Mary Kay is EXCELLENT. I wnted 2 try something else 4 comparison & went w/ Bare Essentciuals.

    Too many products hv preservatives/fragrances tht cause breakouts. Oh! and many times we cn breakout whn we start new skincare but Ive nt hd tht w/ the programs mentioned.

    best wishes in yr search! Make sure u stay away frm tht soap/water!

  2. idk what are you sayig sorry cant help whith that

  3. The main essentails for me are

    Coverstick (concealer)


    Compressed Powder



    Mascara (make sure its a good one)

    I Dont tend to bother with eye shadows and lipstuff

    The above are the essentails.


  4. if you have good skin just go with a loose powder mineral foundation (because it is the lightest most natural to wear and wont clog your pores but does not give very good coverage)

    if you have bad skin buy a good concealer/pressed powder (however i hear even though it is loose powder bare essentials works as a concealer if you have a concealer brush and looks great!

    dior show mascara for your lashes is amazing

    if you want to wear eyeliner try MAC (even though thats not in sephora)

    youll want an eyelash curler too

    this is all if you want to go for the natural look

    for some fun buy some eyeshadow /glitter ect which you like, lip gloss  

  5. just buy eyeliner, eyshadow and mascara...maybe cover up if you have an uneven complection

  6. Well, the esentials are eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss, and bronzer!!  

  7. foundadtion

    face powder

    eyelash curlers



    eyeshadow - get a palete of loads of colour experiment with them

    lip gloss

    eye liner

    and ask you sister what she has or just take her shopping with you x

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