
I Have Played 7 games out of 8 in Volley ball?

by Guest63868  |  earlier

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I have played 7 games out of 8 volleyball games but i still can get up to The advanced team. and the coach said i was really was just that i couldnt SERVE and tips on a good OVER HAND serve?




  1. I'd be happy to help you out with anything to do with volleyball, but I can't understand your question!! What exactly are you asking?

  2. I think it would be best to get a time where your coach can personally coach you on your thing i do is practice hitting the ball with the heel of my hand....i also lift arm weights when im just watching tv to build up my arm strength!!

  3. Start by getting off the wine.

  4. i gotta go with kings_acadamizzle on this...he said it really go, but i do have sumthin to say

    kings_acadamizzle said to stagger and stuff...but i can't do it that right handed and have to step with my right foot..

    also, find a thing to do before you serve, kind of to get in a "comfort zone", i spin the ball in my hand, drop it, hit it, catch it, spin it in my hands, drop it, catch it, then spin in 3 times in my hands..THEN i serve...EVERY girl i know, when she gets the ball, knocks on wood, goes to the serving line, spins the ball in her hand while tapping her right foot behind her, then serves...EVERY TIME...

    i hope that you can get it...ur lucky that you get to play, so be happy, be merry, and remember!

    volleyball = life

  5. sweet i'm in volleyball too :]]

  6. The only thing you really need to be a good server is to be hit your spots (that the coaches calls) and get it in.  The most frustrating thing to a coach is when a player serves the ball into the net or long.  I would rather have someone the lolly pops the ball over but is in then someone that has a great jump serve and gets 50% of their serves in.  

    Good luck.

  7. toss the ball high

    try to look at a spot on the opposite wall or another player and try to hit that spot.

    also work on your shoulders being square to the middle of the court....that helps with the ball going out of bounds

  8. congratulations

  9. On the toss if it's not perfect throw it too high rather than too short because you will stick it in the net every time if it is short. Keep your elbow high and have confidence and trust yourself. Number one tip is: take your time this is your serve!

  10. For a good overhand serve, you need 3 things.

    (1) a good toss. A bad toss will always result in a bad serve.

    (2) Form. Make sure you find a a style of serving that fits you best, whether it's one hand toss, two-handed toss, a two step approach, or planted-foot serve, etc. (stagger your feet: if you're right-handed, you left leg is in front, and vice versa if you're a lefty) remember, just like a spike, a serve should be hit at the highest point of a swing. Keep your hand open and a good serve will make a nice slapping sound and you'll feel your whole hand touch the ball, not just your wrist or palm. Also, follow through with your swing ( you hand should end up next to your waist) and snap your wrist.

    (3) concentration. just always keep your eyes on the ball.

    (Make sure that right after u serve, u immediately return to your back row position, and u don't just watch your serve from behind the service line. Small things like this impresses coaches, trust me)

    Good luck and I hope u make the advanced team!

    God bless.

  11. Its hard to explain it through writing, but i would suggest that you ask your coach or another player. If you ask the coach, she will see that you really want to learn and she will be impressed, so even if you dont master your serve, she might still bring you up. Good Luck!!!

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