
I Have Some Bible Questions? Please Answer As Many Has You Can.?

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1 - Who Started The Bible?

2 - How Was God Created?

3 - Does Heaven End OR Is It Unlimited Room?

4 - What Do You Do In Heaven?

5 - What Do You Do In h**l?

6 -Why Doesnt The Bible Talk About What God & The Devil Look Like?

7 - When Do You Think Jesus will Retrun? It Say He Will Soon, At The End Of The Bible

>>>>>>>>>>>>>JUST ASKING<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

What Color Do You Think God Is It Say's Jesus Was Olive Colored. Could He Be Blue Or Pink? We Will Never Know Until we are In Heaven.





  1. study the Bible for yourself, and see what it says, don&#039;t believe anything ppl tell you. Your questions say what kind of person you that really you?

    6. if the Bible doesn&#039;t talk about something that means it is not important.Besides, we wouldn&#039;t undrstand in our limited language.

  2. Some points as per Islam

    1. Human-(Could be some part word of God, as many contradictions unlike Quran)

    2. Meaning of God itself is he does not have a creator. If had he would have been God Himself.

    3. They are Levels in heaven; the most pious will enter the greatest.

    4. All wishes carried out. No Evil

    5. Repentance for doing bad deeds.

    6. Even Islam doesn’t

    7. Near to the Day of Judgment,

  3. 1. Man, who was inspired by God (Holy Spirit)

    2. He is eternal

    3. Whoever makes it in

    4. Worship God &amp; enjoy eternal life with him (im sure there&#039;s much more thats all I can think of off the dome)

    5. Torment for eternity, crying, yelling, pain, hurt, etc.

    6. It talks a lil what Lucifer looked like but as for God, any man who sees God face can not live, it&#039;s that great. &lt;&lt;&lt; I forget what scripture that is

    7. No man knows the hour nor the day when Christ is coming back

    8.God is  

  4. Man (that&#039;s a verified fact. Luke, John, Mark, Matthew made the Bible)

    He was not created mate

    Dunno. Refer to Christian scripture



    Does, a little bit

    No date specified. Not in any religious scripture. It&#039;s not as if it&#039;s gonna say &#039;Messiah will return on 11/12/2020&#039;

    How ridiculous can you get?

  5. 1. Drunk guys who were possibly under the influence of LSD as well.

    2. In the mind of those drunk guys

    3. Heaven doesn&#039;t exist

    4. Nothing

    5. Nothing

    6. Because it&#039;s bull

    7. He will return when my p***s turns into a v****a

  6. 1.  A bunch of camel herders, bored, high on hashish and stranded in the desert during a sand storm

    2.  A pinch of this, a dash of that, a sprinkle of the other thing, mixed well and cooked in a 375-degree oven for 2 1/2 hours

    3.  There is no heaven and there is no h**l

    4.  Yawn all day

    5.  Party all night

    6.  Like an Alfred Hitchcock movie, the ending was left to the imagination of the reader until Dante&#039;s appearance into the scene

    7.  Never!  I say, i&#039;ts been like 2,000 years and he still hasn&#039;t come back.  Adjust!

    8.  Definitely not black or Asian cause I&#039;ve never seen a black or Asian angel pictured anywhere.  And, you will never know that, my friend, cause there ain&#039;t no heaven and there ain&#039;t no h**l

  7. 1 - God ordained people to write the Bible from relevant experiences.

    2 - God is the Creator, meaning He has always existed and was not created.

    3 - The Bible doesn&#039;t say.

    4 - The Bible also doesn&#039;t say. Jesus describes it as paradise though, so I believe there will be no limit to what one can do in heaven. I&#039;d personally like to go watch one of the storms on Neptune. =P

    5 - You willingly suffer for every sin you&#039;ve ever committed, knowing that you could have easily been forgiven.

    6 - The Bible says that no man can look at God because the experience itself would kill us. As for the devil, he was once the most beautiful of all the angels.

    7 - The Bible doesn&#039;t say, nor can anyone know that. God has hidden that information for all of us to find out on the last day.

  8. 1. Mystery

    2. None he is the Alpha and omega.

    3. no one knows.

    4. I&#039;ve never been in heaven.

    5. I dont have any plan to go there.

    6. for your wisdom and understanding.

    7. no one knows when, but I believe he still here on earth watching over us.

    What Color Do You Think God Is It Say&#039;s Jesus Was Olive Colored. Could He Be Blue Or Pink? We Will Never Know Until we are In Heaven.

    &gt; sorry I dont answer stupid question like this.

  9. You should ask one at the time... there is no short answer without any documentation... You can be fooled by quick answers!  So I give you #7..

    According to the Bible, ONE SUREST SIGN of Jesus coming back and the Rapture™ is the slaughter of innocent children in the end of days! Some Christian preachers explain away this gross fact in the Bible… The Bible writers made it into a pattern that before any major event in Bible stories innocent children get slaughtered! This is a primitive trick to scare the heck out of religious people to catch their attention! When Israel was liberated from Egypt God had ALL the innocent first born children of Egyptian parents slaughtered on the spot! When Jesus was born ALL the innocent male children 2 years of age and under were slaughtered in a way that not even God the Holy Ghost could possibly comfort the grieving mothers! (Mat 2:18)  So it will be when Jesus comes back a lot of liberal Churches will loose ALL their CHILDREN… Jesus will have them slaughtered not in Iraq, but in the Churches!

    Revelation 2:23 (NIV) (Jesus says in his REVELATION for the last days) I WILL STRIKE HER CHILDREN DEAD* (*Just for the heck of it! Hey, No abortionist can beat Jesus at killing babies… AMEN???... Jesus is doing the killing of the innocent children to announce his return and at the same time teach everybody a lesson on WHO IS THE BOSS! In our society today Christians are very selective in what they preach from the Bible! Their PRO-LIFE bit is an afford to dissociate themselves from this kind of Jesus REVELATION…!) Then ALL THE CHURCHES WILL KNOW that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.* (*I’m the BOSS says Jesus Christ the LORD and I take it on the kids in the Churches to pay for the deeds of their parents! Not even the Mafia measures up to Jesus! Jesus’ infanticide mania comes from way back when God the Father highly favored anyone killing the innocent children of his enemies… because the Bible God has many enemies!)

    Psalm 137:8-9 (NIV) O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us- he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

    Jesus knows that the enemies of God ought to be killed in their infancy when it is easier to get rid of them! In Bible times hardly anybody practiced abortions because it was easier and much safer to “dash the infants against the rocks” after they are born like God suggests in his Holy Word the Bible! Unwanted children were put out without any accountability right after they were born like it was done in Egypt to the willing Hebrew ladies. Christianity is not much of a civilized religion at all! Today, it is pure Christian PRO-LIFE bigotry of the worst kind that makes Christianity acceptable in our religious oriented society…!

    Luke 19:27 (NIV) (Jesus is very excited telling this story… most Christians prefer to ignore!) But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them–bring them here and kill them in front of me.

    Jesus Christ suggested the slaughter by drowning of anybody causing a Christian who is weak in the Faith to stumble… He also suggested the shedding of body parts, including male castration to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven!  Most Christians today don’t pay attention to Jesus’ gory suggestions, but throughout Christian history many people paid with their lives for disobeying the Clergy, including the witches and slaves that were killed here in America ONE NATION UNDER GOD!  

    BTW… another sure sign of the impending Biblical “end of times” that hardly any Christian talks about is the FULL RESTORATION OF SODOM…!!!

    Ezekiel 16:48-49,53,55 (NIV) As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD* (*The LORD God Jehovah won’t lie!), your sister Sodom and her daughters NEVER DID what you* (*Jerusalem! --The dishonest preachers and clergy in general won’t tell you that according to the Bible writers JERUSALEM IS MUCH WORSE THAN SODOM...!!!) and your daughters have done. ”Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom* (*PLEASE NOTICE! It is not homosexuality at all!!!): She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy...* (*Neither God Almighty in Fairy Heaven nor God the Son Jesus Christ EVER MENTIONED THAT THE SIN OF SODOM was homosexuality!) [53] &quot;However, I* (*God) will restore the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters and of Samaria and her daughters, and your fortunes along with them… [55] And your sisters, SODOM WITH HER DAUGHTERS and Samaria with her daughters, WILL RETURN TO WHAT THEY WERE BEFORE; and you and your daughters will return to what you were before.

    Some of the most important Bible writers de facto admit that the destruction of Sodom was a mistake because Jerusalem turned out to be much worse than Sodom. According to the Bible God, Sodom and Gomorrah will be FULLY RESTORED to what they were BEFORE THEIR DESTRUCTION… Praise the LORD! Sweet Jesus! And this must be taking place right now before the 2nd coming of Jesus!  It is already getting fulfilled with the same s*x marriages going on in our very days…!!! You must know that the Sodomites were holier than Righteous Lot. Lot’s virgin daughters were engaged to be married to Sodomites who believed in virgin “purity” until marriage…!!! It was Righteous Lot who delivered his own virgin daughters for the unrestricted pleasure of some Sodomite g**s who were looking for the “strange” male visitors who wanted to spend the night outside in the main street of Sodom not at Lot’s pad! The Sodomites REFUSED TO HAVE s*x WITH LOT’S YOUNG VIRGIN AND INNOCENT DAUGHTERS, but Holy Lot got real drunk and had s*x with them until he got them pregnant! Christian dishonesty telling the Sodom and Gomorrah story is so disgusting!  A lot of innocent, but Bible ignorant and clergy obedient Christian bigots are actually preventing the fulfillment of Bible prophecies!  Hey, let’s give the Bible God a chance!  It is all in the BIBLE! It won’t be long before Clergy will wise up to monitor the morality of same s*x marriages and of the ladies in desperate need of a decent abortion!

  10. 1. Man

    2. Man

    3. No such place

    4. See above

    5. See #3

    6. No such being

    7. See # 6

  11. 1. No one. The Bible is a collection of 66 chapters written through history by different people. There are about 30 more that were not included.

    2. God is timeless-no beginning-no end.

    3. Some say that Heaven and h**l are a state of being.

    4. Be perfect.

    5. Thirst and burn

    6. Because no one ever saw them to describe them.

    7. No one knows the answer to this. I don&#039;t believe that Revelations foretells of the end of the world.

    If Jesus was born in the Middle East, then he was Arabic and is therefore dark olive skinned.

    I don&#039;t believe that the Bible is the word of God. I believe that it is a collection of writings that were handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. The Nag Hammadi Scrolls (that back up a lot of the books of the Bible) were only discovered in 1945, pretty recent in Biblical years but do back up a lot of the books of the Bible. The problem with the Bible is in translation. Go to for more on how the Bible came into being. When the King James Versions was put together (literally) in 1611 by a panel of professors from Oxford, Cambridge, and Westminister Abbey. These 6 people decided what books from the original two (Bishop&#039;s Bible and the Geneva Bible) would be contained in the King Jame&#039;s Bible from which most popular bibles today are written. The translators made many mistakes in their translation of the Hebrew bibles and thus when the Nag Hammadi Scrolls were found (that are in Aremaic) many important and pivotal words were found to be mistranslated. One of the most important was Mary Magdelane being translated in King James as a prostitute when the true translation is companion (which means she could have been Jesus&#039; wife). Go to to read more.

  12. i can answer

    2. canot be answerd cause noone knows and i think God doesnt want us to know some things.

    3. it says it in the bible

    4. praise  God thats all i know i cant finish this answer cause i havent been to heaven yet.

    5. burn for all eternity it says in the bible

    6. yes it does revelation 1:14-15

    daniel 10:6

    7. we will find out wen he comes

  13. 2 - How Was God Created?

    It was created so that one warring tribe could feel superior over a neighboring tribe. Originally this early Hebrew god of war was represented as a phallic shaped monolith they called El. The early Hebrews rallied around it in preparation for war.

  14. 1 Man

    2 Man

    3 Neither

    4 Nothing

    5 Nothing

    6 They are invisible

    7 Never

    8 Invisible

  15. 1. Moses was supposed to be the first person who put pen to papyrus. 2. God supposedly had no beginning, but is from everlasting to everlasting, which makes it pretty stupid for Creationists to mock the evolution theory because, as they say, &quot;Nothing can come from nothing.&quot; What about God? 3. The Bible does not say. I guess God can close in a garage or something if he runs out of room. 4.The Bible does not say specifically what goes on in heaven. 5. Same answer as #4. 6. Supposedly, no one can see God and live. Genesis says that Satan was the most beautiful of all the angels, but doesn&#039;t describe him further. 7. I don&#039;t know about Jesus returning. I heard from a reliable source that he died. That usually inhibits travel.

    Bonus Question- I&#039;m not sure it&#039;s worth the hassle of putting up with all of the Christians that are supposedly going to heaven just to find out what color God is. He&#039;s probably some mixture of camouflage since no one has ever seen him.    

  16. 1) It was authored by God who used 39 men as secretaries to write over a 1,520 year time period the 66 books and letters that make up the Bible as we know it today.

    2) God has no Creator.  We have no trouble thinking of time having no beginning or end.  Neither does God.  It is just that we have little concept of living things having such age.  The closest we can come is redwood trees in California living many thousands of years.

    3) &quot;Living space&quot; would not apply as spirit creatures do not have bodies in the physical sense.  They are another life form entirely.  Flesh &amp; Blood cannot exist there.  (1Cor. 15:50)

    4) Serve God in various duties.  The Bible tells of a few humans who will go there by arrangement of Jesus to be Kings and Priests over the earth.  (Luke 22:28-30)  these will have to die a human death first before they can be resurrected a spirit creature.  A thing overlooked by most people today falsely believing they are there now.

    5) the Bible says &quot;Nothing.&quot;  Psalms 146:4 and Eccles. 9:5, 10 shows the dead are unable to do anything because that is what dead means. h**l is a word that in 1611 meant Sheol or Hades---the common grave of all mankind.

    6) Spirit creatures do not look like anything man could understand.  God says no one can look at Him and live.  (Exodus 33:20; John 1:18) Humans are just too frail.  We know trauma victims see things they can&#039;t handle so the brain shuts down.  Sometimes never to restart.  So it is fortunate for us not to be able to see them.

    7) Well he has already taken his position as King of God&#039;s Kingdom in heaven and threw out Satan and his demons.  He waits on his Father to tell him when to return to earth to clean it up.  This will be soon.

    8) He was the same color as his earthly parents, his mother&#039;s genetic code.  It is speculated by some that Adam &amp; Eve were olive toned.  That is what they believe people that contained all the genetic codes for all the races of humanity would look like.  We will not know until one of us can ask Abel when he is resurrected onto God&#039;s promised paradise earth in the near future.

  17. These are debates of Ahmed Deedat with christian priests they show you the truth and I challenge any christian priest to answer them

    These are many video debates about Islam and christianity:

    1-Ahmed Deedat &amp; Garry Miller - Christanity and Islam

    2- Ahmed Deedat and Jimmy Swaggart - Is Bible God&#039;s Word

    3-Ahmed Deedat and Jimmy Swaggart - Is Bible God&#039;s Word

    4- Ahmed Deedat and Jimmy Swaggart - Swaggart vs. Deedat - Questions and Answers  

    This is a site of a christian priest converted to Islam

    Here you will find many books and debates about Islam and other religions


    2- Free Islamic books

    If you are looking for the truth to soothe and please your self, just click

    on this link.

  18. 1. Moses

    2. GOD always existed.

    3. Enough room for everyone.

    4. Isaiah 65:17-22

    5. Burn to a pile of ash.

    6. They are spirits.

    7. yes, it does.

    8. Huh?!? Why would this be important?

    GOD bless

  19. 1. God

    2. He wasn&#039;t He is eternal...something is eternal, or nothing, take your choice

    3 Unltd

    4 Rejoice, enjoy relationships with people family and God

    5 suffer in a place where the worm does not die (internal pain) and the fire is not quenched (external agony).

    6 physical appearance, contrary to the western culture is not that important

    7 Soon, hopefully in my lifetime

    Nothing says Jesus was olive colored, though it is a good guess, he was a Jewish guy from the Middle East

  20. 1 I think the book of Job is the oldest book.  It was inspired by God, as is all scripture.

    2 God was not created.  He is eternal, and has always been.  He was around even before time and space came into being.

    3 I think that from our perspective it is infinite.

    4 There will certainly be work to do.  

    5 You die in h**l.  h**l is not a place of eternal suffering as the churches teach.  It is where the second and final death take place, the lake of fire.  There is no such thing as an immortal soul.

    6 It does a bit.  It says  of the Devil that he was the most beatiful of all created beings, the shining one.

    7 personally I think he will return in about 20 years.

  21. 1.  Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible

    2.  Has always been  Rev 1:8; Rev 21:6; Rev 22:13

    3.  Unlimited

    4.  I don&#039;t know, but since God&#039;s name(Psalms 83:18) means, he causes                

        to become, most likely all there are creating or building

    5.  h**l is mankind&#039;s comman grave, so they would be corrupting.

    6.  They are spirits, they would only be seen by other spirits.

    7.  1914, the end of the gentile times

    I do not know what color spirits are nor do I know of anytime there color has been mentioned.

  22. 1.  No particular person.

    2.  God wasn&#039;t created he has always been.

    3.  I don&#039;t know nor does the Bible really tell us.

    4.  I think we experience various joys.

    5.  Not sure but I know it sucks.

    6.  Because neither one have physical form.

    7.  He will soon but it could be another 2k years

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