
I Have Terrible Acne And It's s******g Around With Social Life?

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im 15, turning 16

i have never talked at all to a girl for more than 2 minutes because of my face... i know i have a big head and im pass all that but come on... What makes it worse is that im a geek but a jock... and all this acne on my faces is really starting to p**s me off... PLEASE i really need to get somethign before school next week... please...






  2. Geeks can still get girls with the proper skills.

    Look into products like ProActive. Clean&Clear is an excellent product that can be obtained from stores such as Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, etc. Noxzema and Cetaphil are also other good acne clearing products.

  3. It's best that u do not do anything to your face or try products that others recommend.

    The result may vary from each each person.

    see a dermatologist!

  4. I am a Registered Nurse and I specialize in skin care and teen acne.

    After 12 years in this profession I find that most of my patients who deal with acne or brekout problems DO NOT SEE RESULTS from commercial products sold at drung stores or the mall. They usually contain too much benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or sulfur which tends to OVER DRY the skin and cause itching or irritations.

    Also, home remedies such as lemon juice or alcohol or toothpaste SHOULD NEVER BE USED because they cause small tears in the skin and leave the skin more susceptible to bacteria that causes pimples or acne.

    Your question is very broad and you need to get professional advice. I will explain why it's a broad question!

    Your age plays a role! Do you always have breakouts?

    However, acne can result from several factors such an increase in hormone levels. In males testosterone or androgens. In females, androgens respectively. The increase in androgen levels can stimulate the oil glands to become enlarged and thus more oil production is produced. An increased oil production can clog the pores with oil or sebum ( white thick substance) which cause the cell walls of the pores in the skin to breakdown. This process allows bacteria to form and thus breakouts develop.

    Genetics may also be a cause. It is a myth that greasy food or chocolate causes breakouts.

    However, using make-up sponges that are not changed or washed often can contaminate the pores with bacteria which may develop into acneic breakouts.

    Teenagers going through hormonal and growth changes are prone to acne.

    If you have severe breakouts than you might need medication. There are many factors.

    The most important thing is that you need products that are AGE APPROPRIATE! Every age group has different products appropriate for them. If you are young than you need milder products as to not dry out your beautiful young skin.

    The problem with commercial skin products is that they are manufactured for MASSES OF PEOPLE and are not specifically made for different peoples' needs.

    Your skin type is different than mine and your age differs from mine so how is it logical that we both use the same skin product for breakouts. We need different strengths of cleansers and toners. Do you kind of understand what I am getting at?

    Here is my STRONG SUGGESTION for you. I refer all my students and patients to this website:

    You need to consult with professionals and on this website YOU CAN ASK QUESTIONS FOR FREE AND A SKIN EXPERT/PHYSICIAN WILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS. It would be a shame if you dont take advantage of this free service.

    Lastly, they have incredible products for breakouts and they make them specifically for every kind of skin type. That means that if your breakouts are more severe than mine, than while we both will buy the same product yours will have stronger ingredients than mine will.

    They have a mild glycolic acid cleanser that's great for your type of skin and also a DRYING LOTION ( I have 3 bottles) that you put directly on your breakouts and the next day it's gone. It's truely magic in a bottle.

    A basic guideline for properly taking care of your skin is this ( now if you're a young girl you will need fewer products than this):

    Night time:

    1. Exfoliate the skin

    2. Mild Glycolic Acid Cleanser

    3. Mild Glycolic Acid Toner ( cleans off the excess debris and balances the PH level of the skin).

    4. Drying Lotion used only on breakouts

    5. Moisturizer


    1. Mild Glycolic Acid Cleanser

    2. Moisturizing cream

    The above is a standard you may need to only use one or two products. Visit:

    As I suggested and click on the ASK FOR FREE section send them an email and you will get free expert skin care advice.

    Good Luck to you,


  5. i understand, because i had mild acne and even though it wasn't really bad, i was still really self concsious. its unfair when everyone else has clear skin and doesn't have to worry about it.

    i went to a dermatologist and he gave me benzoyl peroxide cream. its drying on your skin, but if you keep at it your skin gets used to it and it really works. dermatologists or doctors can also give you pills which help, like roacutane, for more severe cases. its definitely worth going to a doctor.

    use products with tea tree oil in them, as it really helps with spots. the body shop has a good range that i use.  

  6. Aw, hun! I know how you feel. I had horrible acne too! From fifth grade to eleventh! Then, I tried the MURAD acne kit. Don't mean to sound like a commercial at all..but I tried everything! Proactive, almost every product you could find in the skin care aisle at Target. My acne made me suicidal, I never wanted to go out..I wouldn't make eye contact because of my terrible skin..

    Murad helped me soo much. I no longer have acne just the normal, occasional blemish that is easy to hide. Try it, you've got nothing to lose! Nothing has worked for me, not even prescription medicine, but that has! JUST TRUST ME ON THIS.

    If you're still skeptical..

    Just go to a drug store and pick up this acne medication/cover-up. No, it's not make-up if that's what you're thinking. It's just an on the spot medication that happens to also cover the pimple with your exact matched skin tone. It's by Neutrogena. I'm sorry..I don't have it with me so I don't know what it's called. Look that up on the website or the store!

    That's all that's ever worked for me.

    Products are all that can help now.

    Wash your face every time it starts feeling dirty/oily

    Try sleeping in an acne mask every night

    Trust me the effort will pay off

    Get a facial at your local beauty parlor

    Don't pick your pimples because they will get rid of all of them!

    Unfortunately, they aren't miracle workers and the spot still shows but the nasty stuff inside is gone and the reddness will disappear!

    You will have to invest

    But that's the price you have to pay for clear skin..

  7. I been through the same thing to be honest and I'm 20 years old I do understand how painful it is to have acne and associating it with your social life it really does affect it I tried all the creams like proactive, brunhausse, anti-biotics and ever over the counter product i can think of and nothing worked .. i realized that acne is actually caused from inside of you what you eat.

    Its all about having a healthy diet, being fit, and getting good sleep, what i did :

    1. in the morning blend celery, carrot, spinach, garlic, lemon juice and wheat grass power(1 teaspoon) all blended with water drink that before you go to school

    2. I only ate peeled cucumbers for lunch around 9 of them nad sometimes lettuce ( no dressing nothing just plain raw)

    3. Everytime i crave for snacks and more food at any time after breakfast and lunch I ate fruits any fruits, try to eat varieties

    don't eat to many bananas as it got alot of sugar

    at night i ate BROWN RICE with boiled brocoli and sweet kumera potatoes its nice..

    I did this for 2 weeks and my acne was gone!

    Trust me religiously consist your raw vegen diet of (75% fruits and vegetables) and 25% cooked foods

    I hope this info helps as it has helped me.

  8. I never had one pimple  

  9. Try Benzac AC wash it is just like ProActive only a lot cheaper =) it worked for me and i had really bad acne. But it may take a few weeks to start working.

    By the way my bf is a geek lol, im sure if your a nice guy what your skin looks like won't stop girls liking you =)  

  10. Hi. When acne is starting to interfere with your social life, I think it would be best to see a doctor. Since dermatologists tend to get expensive, I would suggest seeing your regular doctor. Your doctor can prescribe an antibiotic that will help with your acne and also give you other suggestions as to what to use on your face for washing/moisturizing. It can be a little embarrassing to make a doctor's appointment for acne but they are really understanding and within a couple of weeks your skin will clear up. Good luck!

  11. first of all u need a toner for the shower for ur skin and a cream to put on the bad pimples after u get out bad ones being any that are big and red

    u want a pimple cream and toner that contains salicylic acid this acid removes dead layers of ur skin some skin products contain a different type of acid it starts with B i can not spell it haha and this gets rid of pimples by drying up ur skin coz it removes the oil our skin stil needs natural oil so as soon as u dont use it for one day u wil break out into mass of pimples again. some cleansers and creams are too strong for ur skin resulting in a reaction i use L'oreal pure zone deep purifying gel wash because stil has the salicylic acid but is gentle on the skin i then use on the bad pimples garnier pure stylo sos pen this is also gentle as it has natural ingredients in it such as zinc, eucalyptus and vitamin b3 which is also good for ur skin and once again has this acid these products are also cheap and not expensive they fixed my skin up in a matter of days

    these products if u read r dermologically tested they also contain the glycerin stuff so i would recommened at havin a look at these products i have told this same stuff to my friend who used to have continues breakouts and she barely has a pimple or imperfection on her these products dont only remove acne but they remove ny imprefections in ur skin too!!

    i hope i could help you

  12. This is the godly answer you were waiting for. Go to a doctor and get a perscription for this medicine called accutane. Accutane will clear up 97% of your acne in just 2-3 weeks. It gives the fastest results, but drawbacks are that it costs $2-3 dollars a pill. You take one a day, or every other day if you are too sensitive to it. this is hard core acne medicine with hard core results.

    A chinese herbal doctor also has an excellent pills they offer that has similar affects to accutane, but is only 20-30 dollars for a month perscription....Also hard core...not like other herbal c**p remodies...Chinese herbal doctors are the real deal...

    Both these worked for me with lasting results.

    good luck.

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