
I Have a Anger Problem. Help!!

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I am 13 Years old i can get mad easily and i will thow things and slam doors

I dont know what to do

I wana know what I can do before it gets out of control





  1. Try not to worry too much about it, from seen experience, this can be normal during an adolescen's life. I'm happy to hear that you wanted to try to cool yourself down before it got out of control... but just remember that everytime you get angry or upset, try harder to reaching your goal of calming yourself down... because once you realize you controled your frustration, you'll be so happy knowing you kept yourself from having a fit... and keep in mind-- its only life... don't get too worked up, and live happily.

  2. ANGER MANAGEMENT:  If you can't deal with it by using one of the techniques, such as counting backwards from 20, to 1, (and prevent yourself from making yourself angry, in the first place) is important to express that anger appropriately, at the time, and to the person who caused it, if possible, or immediately afterwards. If not, maybe by walking away later, and bellowing your rage and/or frustration. In some situations, such as work, or school, it might be better to cover your mouth with a cupped hand, bandanna/handkerchief, or use the crook of your elbow, to muffle the sound. Some people find that it helps to journal those thoughts, and emotions soon afterwards.

    Anger, which is repressed, rather than healthily expressed, tends to fester, and later may cause explosive fits of rage, or depression. It helps to have someone you can talk to. For more physically inclined people, a punching bag, or hitting your pillow, can be an effective release mechanism: visualise, as vividly as you can, that you are striking back at the cause of that anger. "But next time, when you get mad, just remember this quote: 'Those who anger you, conquer you.' It's basically saying that when you give someone the power to make you mad, or let it get to you, it's like they're controlling you.    

         When I realized that, it made me mad, so I try to control my anger and not let people see it. You can still control your anger without being walked all over. You just have to draw a line." Try saying to yourself, in your mind: "I am fire! I am ice!". Repeat for as long as it takes for you to calm down sufficiently. Anger management is addressed in much more detail than can be included here, in section 4, at

  3. You don't nid help. What you nid is to help your self to chill out.

  4. it is a habit, throwing tempers have become a habit of yours. you are only 13 yrs old and cant really think maturity. so it is quite difficult for you to understand certain things. when you have come to understand, probably you would have calm yourself down. "Being Angry will only make yourself look bad."  

  5. Here's some tricks and tips;

    Learning to control anger is all about time. The more time you let pass between the 'feeling angry' part and the 'acting angry' part, the better the chance you'll have of not getting grounded, or wrecking your things.

    Make your own anger rules, like:

    -Whenever you feel like screaming at someone (like mom or dad) and calling them a bunch of filthy names (the kind that will get you grounded), go to the kitchen and put six plain crackers in your mouth. You're not allowed to say anything until the crackers are gone. No water either.

    -Anger needs to go out - or it will go in. There are ways to get anger out of you that won't hurt anyone, but if you do nothing the anger will go inside you, and YOU will get hurt.

    -Buy a bunch of cheap second-hand romance novels, or textbooks from the goodwill. Keep them in a stack in your room. When you're pissed, rip them to shreds. Bindings and all.

    -Rip a CD of calming music. Music you listen to when you feel good, maybe are going to sleep. Music that reminds you of summer camp or your last sleepover. When you're mad, put on the headphones and don't leave until you've listened to at least three songs.

    -Make another CD of hardcore rave music, techno, dance - whatever makes you want to get up and move. Then get up, and MOVE. Bonus: buy a single person trampoline and set it up in your room or the backyard. Try to jump hard enough to make the netting touch the floor.

    -Buy some bouncie balls from the buck store, go to your schoolyard or some house and try to bounce it hard enough to roof it. Remember: no throwing it straight at the roof! It has to Bounce first!

    -Gargling is a good way of screaming without people understanding what you're really doing. Take a swig of listerine, tilt your head back and gargle/scream until your mouth is stinging. (no swallowing).

    -Buy some secondhand Barbies and rip the heads off. And the legs.

    Anyway, I'm sure you can think up more... it's kind of fun to think them up actually XD   It's good that you want to learn how to deal with it, and eventually you will. Don't worry.

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