
I Have a clicking noise in my head I dont no what it is and evrey time i put my hands on my head it goes? ?

by  |  earlier

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I only get it when i run or jump




  1. so i comes at night when you run or jump....dont do it then

  2. Maybe it's your inner ear.  Water in it or something.

  3. The clicking noise is completely normal when you run and jump. My whole track team had a discussion on it, we all thought nobody else had it. My track coach said it was normal, but i don't know the term she used. But mostly everyone has it.

    Hope it helped

  4. HaHa!  I thought I was the only one.  It happens to me sometimes when I lay down and it clicks depending on how I'm laying.  Gets annoying.  But I haven't thought too much about it.

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