
I Have a few Questions for Hillary Supporters?

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1. Did Hillary get the shaft this year by the media and the Democratic Party?

2. Do you think your party is in perfect condition today?

3. If Obama was to lose the Presidency, what do you think would change about the Democratic Party before the next election?




  1. she lost my attention when she started crying....

  2. 1.  Yes, and they didn't even kiss her first.

    2.  No, but it's the best choice anyway, as usual.

    3.  If he loses, the Democrats will begin to focus on candidates for practical reasons and not because they fell in love with a idealist.

  3. 1. no...she ran out of steam at the end of the primaries

    2. NO

    3. We'll definetely be discouraged

  4. 1) She actually shot herself in the foot, because she did not establish enough of a base leading up to the Iowa Caucuses. Had she won or even finished second, instead of third behind Barack Obama and John Edwards, she would have had more momentum for the rest of the primaries.

    2) The Democratic Party isn't in "perfect condition," but it's more united than it was months ago.

    3) The only thing the Democratic Party would change if Obama were to lose to McCain is it would set rules for the primaries like the GOP did yesterday: No state, other than Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, may hold a primary or caucus prior to the first Tuesday in March, and Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina may not hold their caucuses or primaries no sooner than the first Tuesday in February. The problem with the nominating process this year was all the movements by the states trying to get ahead of Iowa and New Hampshire (e.g. Michigan and Florida) to try to become more important. They broke the rules, and were initially punished, but the Obama campaign compromised with the Clinton campaign to allow Michigan and Florida to be fully seated after it was known that Obama would have the delegates to win the nomination.

  5. I don't think Hilary got the shaft from the media...that sniper fire comment got her some bad press, she really said it five separate times so while they did bring it up they didn't give it maximum coverage Obama got more votes most historians agree that he  is an amazing writer and orator very intellectual not much like Mcbush.

  6. 1,  Bill Clinton and Hillary's campaign managers messed up big time.  They thought the primary would be a cake walk and they would avoid spending money and time organizing local support.  That is why they lost.

    2.  No and neither is the republican party.

    3.  Hopefully, the leadership would see that a complete change in direction would help clear out the "Clinton" way of running the party.

  7. 1: yes

    2: yes it is in great condition

    3: nothing we will try harder

  8. 1. yes

    2. absolutely not

    3. hopefully they will understand to win an election you have to nominate a candidate who is electable

  9. 1. No, Obama can wow a crowd, and 8 years of Clintons is enough.

    2. Far from.

    3. I think it will show that america is not as far left as Obama thinks it is. There a lots of Moderate Democrats but there voices are drowned out be the far left.

  10. 1.Yes she did .

    2. No

    3.Hopefully the DNC would see that they don't select our candidate thats what voters do .

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