
I Have a question regarding spirits and/or demons.?

by Guest31872  |  earlier

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Okay so first off I've already asked this first part but in the wrong category:

Has anyone seen or herd of a spirit {I believe it to be demon} that looks like a faceless man with black hair wearing a white suit?

The second question is about needed advise:

A spiritual voice told me to "Run Away" and when I asked it what I should run from it said "It will kill you" {You meaning me of course. I'm just trying to show you exactly what it said}




  1. a priest could help u i.d. your demon. u could even try researching it in a library. good luck.

    the statement sound like it tryin 2 help u

  2. I made no contact with any deamon or spirit of any sort. Multiple tries and nothing received.

    Deck tells me that there is nothing there. The only thing there is that you are currently on a great path but it is also stressful. You need to ensure that you find good balance in your life and all you do. Perhaps it is the stress that has you seeing things. A sort of inner deamon. what is it you are running from? White suit and black face sounds to me like it is an inner deamon even more. Do not be afraid and embrace your journey is the message here.



  3. whoa! i have never heard of that one before but i totally believe you. i so believe in demons and ghost because they do exist i have had some encounters with them but never like that before and you know what i don't want that to happen to me. so my advice is next time if that does happen again run away and don't ask questions or it will kill you and i mean they are not afraid to kill anyone so save yourself some time talking and start getting a head start  in the running if it runs after you then you could get someone to help like your mom or dad or your neighbor. someone close by you.if you make it angry then he will target you and i know you want to live.

  4. Come talk to me, I 'm a paranormal Researcher and Ghost hunter.

    I have been doing this for over 5 years. How long has this been going on?

    Do you ever have a foul odor in your house? I can also tell you who the spirit is that is watching out for you, you may already know.

  5. The white suit confuses me a bit, but I see demons as black things without faces.  What if the suit is a coverup?  Think hard.  Is there something in your life that presents as good, or non-threatening, that could reach out and stomp you? Something you might be planning that could backfire?

    In the meantime - just in case this is literal - wear whatever symbol of protection you believe in, and ask the protection of whatever deity you believe in.  It is the belief that counts - the symbol is just a focal point for the belief's power

    I really do lean toward the something real that's going to backfire on you, though. Please think carefully, and keep your eyes open.  Forewarned is forearmed.

  6. some times even witches can't fight of demons so the best thing i think you should do is run if you make it angry then the target for him might be you so be careful

  7. I believe in spirits.  I'm not sure about the exact experience you had, but I think if you hear something telling you to run away again, you should probably run.  What harm could it do to run?  If I heard and saw something like that, I sure wouldn't stick around, I can tell you that!

  8. Where did you see this spirit? Were you sitting around, driving, or did it come to you in a dream, etc? I need to know exactly what happened, what you were doing, and who was with you (if there was any)

    I dont believe in spirits/demons, but if what you say is true, you may be in grave danger, i am certain i have heard of this demon, but i cannot remember where, i'll be engulfed in a world of books for a while now, trying to figure this one out. It's going to drive me insane if i cant remember where i heard of this demon before :)


  9. Ghosts/Demons don't exist

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