
I Have an iPod Question!?

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I have 300 dollars to buy an iPod and I need to know what kind I can get (if any) for 300!




  1. LUCKY!!!

    get the ipod touch the 8gb!

    i so want that one!!


  2. well, it depends on your taste and need why? look right now they are four predominant ipod which are:

    iPod Touch [8gb.]: if you have a small music library and have some pictures and videos and you are a gadget person, since it has, internet browser, youtube, mail, weather online buying, and many more applications, a big screen that features widescreen, and some third party applications which can be udeful and handy sometimes. [this device can not be used as a Mass Storage][The ipod that loks like an iphone]

    iPod Classic[from 60 gb and up]: if you have a huge music selection, alonside with videos and photos has a relatively small screen [if compared to touch] and this is useful and can be enabled as a Mass Storage device

    iPod nano: pretty much the same as the original but just in smaller scale, [fewer memory and a smaller design]

    and ipod shuffle: it has a small memory and it just perfect if you are ust interested for the music since: it DOES NOT have a screen, and plays songs in a random order. which means you can ont select a desired song [which for me it is a real pain in the ****].

    and well.. these are you choices for your budget lady.. hope you have a good day

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