
I Have been drinking tonic water as I was told that quinine was good for treating inflammation in arthritis ?

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I posted a related question on answers a few days ago and someone said that no matter what- do not drink tonic water if you have arthritis, can anyone please answer this , why not or why can I.Thank you so much.




  1. You are mixing arthritis with malaria I think!

    It won.t make any difference to arthritis if you drink it (or not).

  2. yes quinine is good inflammation.i am on paraquine for inflammation

    and joint pain.due to lupus-sle]

  3. i have always felt that Tonic or quinine water is good for muscle cramps.   Most medicines for that are quinine compound's

  4. As far as I know the quinine in tonic water does not help inflamation of anything!  It does help muscle cramps, but just not one glass of it.

    I know 2 people that sip on 4 ounces of tonic water every night and it has relieved their night time "charlie horses" (muscle cramps).  Try some non steroidal anti inflamatories such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxyn.  If it doesn't help see your MD.

  5. well have you tried drinking tonic water? has it helped? has it made it worse? only you will know .

  6. I am afraid it makes no real difference to arthritis either way!

  7. quinine  can have healing properties on arthritis but you would have to drink a lot of it to give you relief quinine in tonic water is also good for digestive indigestion and trapped wind but for arthritic pain it self you would be better off with a tablet called quinine sulphate or another herbal is cod liver oil or glucosamine good luck

  8. I have a Diploma with Distinction in Herbal Medicine and I have never heard of quinine relieving the symptoms of arthritis.

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