
I Have been in 2 accidents in the last month. What is going to happen when i go to court? ?

by  |  earlier

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I Have been in 2 accidents in the last month. Both were pretty much the same thing. The first one i took out a firehydrant and damage was done to my car but fixed it all myself without filing a claim. I have still not been to court. The second one just happened and was similar. I went off the road broke a tree and a firehydrant as well as some landscaping damage. My car was also damaged pretty bad, Both incidents i was cited for unable to control vehicle. I am 16 years old and live in the state of Ohio, I need to know what is likely to happen in court and what i could do to prepare or make the situation better.





  1. You need to be the one that suggests a defensive driving course so that you don't just leave it up to the judge to determine your faith, remember yes and no your honor only...

  2. Ran off the road twice in one month?

    You're a menace to public safety.

    I'd suspend your license.

  3. You need to take a long look at your own driving skills. You have lost control and had to wrecks in a month. Regardless of what happens in court you need to learn how to drive.

  4. You won't be driving anymore when you leave court. They will probably suspend your license until you're 18.

  5. Well, I would say they'll for sure suspend  you license. Then deduct points off you record. They do this in Tennessee. All states have different rules. Especially if you under 18 years of age. My guess your mom will take your car from you anyway. I would do the same thing..Because what if you would have killed some innocent child or adult from stupidity. What I mean by that is not paying attention while you drive. When you get to court it's a very scary place when your 16. My girlfriend had to go once when she pulled out in front of someone. Had to pay all the fines plus the damage done to the property.    

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