
I Have started an in home daycare and i have a question for you mothers with infants (under 12 months) ??

by  |  earlier

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Only for the people who have put their infants in daycare..... how much did you pay a week??? i have rates for all other ages but i have a mother who wants me to take on her 7 week old infant. typically toddlers are anywhere in the range of $115-150 a week in my area. But infants require an extensive amount of care and most places typically charge quite a bit higher. my problem is there are not any day cares in my area that accept infants (Eastern-central FL).....please help. thanks in advance




  1. I got off kind of cheap but I was paying $30 per day..I know that doesnt really answer you r question but when i did inquire about rates at real daycares the rates were $150 wk.

  2. This depends on alot of factors.How many other people are helping you take care of the kids.How much  bonding and attention do you plan on spending with the child? other than changing diapers and feeding them.Infants that age sleep alot.About 18 hours a day.Toddlers are harder to take of. I would pay for excellent care but 150  is more than fair.

  3. I do daycare - for me, I do the exact same for babies,  toddlers, and after school.  I do $2.00 an hour.   It is just easier paperwork - and when you think about it -  babies at that age sleep alot - compared to a toddler you are constantly chasing after, helping with things, toilet training,  so -  when people charge extra for babies, I really don't get it.

    but- in the end -  charge what you want -  its your daycare - and if they don't want to pay it - they can go elsewhere, right?

    charge what you feel comfortable charging.

  4. In my area every one is asking for $150.

    The thing is that infants that old need a lot of attention & it's a lot of responsibility.

  5. I paid the same amount for my daughter as the older children. I would think $20.00 -35.00 a day would be fair.

  6. $135.00 a week!

  7. when I was babysitting I only got 1 $ an hour per child no matter age.But I was told by someone that I was being ripped off cause the going rate is 4$ an hour no more than 8 hours a day.If it goes over the 8 you get to charge 1 dollar a minute.

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