
I Heard a rumor that italian ancestors were that true?

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so im in a prep rally for my skool and me nd my friend albert are italian and we started laffin and sayin did you notice how all the runners for the olimpics are black and if they are any white they loose (dont get me wrong i am NOT racist)..........anyway he tells me that italians used to hav black ancestors thats why most italians are strong and fast i looked it up and found some rumors.....some sites said yes some said no





  1. "used to have black ancestors", I don't know which part of that to correct first

    Yes they are mixed, you don't even have to go that far back to find it.

  2. Yes, many Italians are a mix of Black, White and Arab people.

  3. actually I heard about that too from my Italian teacher. He said that once his father was actually called the N word...because another Italian lady he met found out that he had come to America from the lower part of Italy...and it was said that some time in history there was a lot of mixing into Africa.

    So she was sweet in the store, talking nice, and when she asked where he'd came from (she was obviously racist) she bashed him. What a loser she is!  

  4. 1) give me a definition of "black"

    Sometimes ItaloAmericans are (/were) labeled as not-white only for social and cultural reasons

    2) if you meant a person from subsaharian (Black) African, it would be very improbable

    3) yes, some ancestors were from North Africa, but NorthAfricans aren't black

    4) But olive skin in Italians doesn't depend from Arabian conquest, Carthage and similar silliness: it's a body feature existing  from time immemorial, since Prehistoric Age.

    5) You Americans usually think that brown skin= mixed up ancestor. This is not true for Old World. Pale white (or very black) skin derived from brown skin.

    Today human beings have a narrow stock of common ancestor, so it easy that opposite complexion derive from an intermediate colour: very dark skin or pale skin are mutations that could appear only in response of a particular climate

  5. No, it isn't true. Italians are Europeans.

  6. So what? A large part of Italy was called "Magna Grecia" because it was ruled by the Greeks before the Romans took it over, with most of Europe and Northern Africa. Then after the Roman Empire fell came the Barbarians, then the Normans, the Arabs, the Spaniards, etc. etc.

    As far as I know, nearly everyone in the US descends from an immigrant from somewhere else. Besides, there are indeed some black Italian athletes who competed at the Olympics (like long jumper Andrew Howe or runner Fiona May), so it's not a big deal really...

  7. yeah and thats why there white, right?

  8. Is it a problem that you may have something other than White in you?

    You say it as if it is.

    And yes, Southern Italians mixed with Arabs & Black centuries ago, so you likely have non-White blood somewhere down the line.

    My mother is Italian(Sicilian) & she knows for a fact she has Lebanese blood.

  9. Check a map and see how close Italy is to Africa.  

    Ever heard of Hannibal?  He traveled across Italy with Nubian (African) soldiers.  It sucks, but Women are often times the spoils of war.  Also, some of the Nubians stayed there.

    Italians definately have African ancestors.  That's where the natural tan comes from.

    Don't panic.  Science proved that human existance began in Africa a long time ago, so EVERYONE really has African ancestors.

  10. the moors were made up of arabic and black arab warriros so its is very possible bcause at one poin in time they had control over that are call sicilly so its very possible

    think about it this way

    mexico was occupied by spain, do you think a lot of mexicans have spanish ancestors

  11. What will you come up with next...*rolls eyes*

  12. Some Italians and Greeks do have black ancesters

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