
I Hope There Is Still A Possibility.?

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I recently posted a question about a possible wanted pregnancy. My period came July 29 I had s*x Aug 8 and 9. I have regular 28 day period. My period came August 23. Like 3 days early. I know that the mind can make your body believe that you are pregnant but after my period came I just knew that I wasn't. But then again today my nipples were burning so badly I wanted to scream. I have been tired after long hours of sleep. and I've also been experiencing some cramping too. I was wondering do you believe there might still be some hope? Any ideas or opinions welcome




  1. If your "period" was different this time, as in brown or shorter, then there's still a possibility you could be pregnant.

    I would take a test and if it's still negative and the pain persists. Go see a doctor.

    Good luck conceiving =]

  2. i brought the spit test which tells you exactly when your ovulating. even though my periods were regular the ovulation date ended up being earlier than predicted by doing this  i got pregnant straight away.

  3. stop obsessing.

    no one can tell you if there is hope.  just be patient and test at the appropriate time.  if you aren't, then keep trying :D

    happy baby dancing!

  4. Well if you got your period on the 23rd IF you were pregnant you wouldn't be feeling those symptoms after a week.. If your worried take a test and put your mind at ease. Stress causes a period to be early or late. Try and relax  

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