

by  |  earlier

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It must have fell into our pool, because it was drowning, and I heard it's meows. So I got the poor kitten out of the pool, wrapped it in a towel, and put the little thing in a box with a towel at the bottom.

But it's eye looks hurt- like it ran into something. It's all mucas-y.

I fed it some of my dog's wet food, (since we had no cat food, I looked it up and it's fine to feet it dog food for a little bit, I assumed it was better than nothing)

What else should I do to help it, and can I call a company to take care of it ot make sure it's okay?

I doubt I can keep the kitten, but I don't want to just let it go in the neighborhood. I want to make sure it's alright, and that it will find a good home.

I don't know what to call.




  1. Call a shelter near you. Like a Humane Society. they will be able to help you. Thank you for rescuing the kitten. :)

  2. I live inmacomb twp MI, you can take the cat to any humane society or anti cruelty and tell them you found it in your pool and its hurt and you cant keep it, they will take it off your hands. ive done this with a few diffrent animals that i have found and couldnt care for or keep. look up some animals shelters on the net, or phone book and get the kitty there ASAP. good luck, its nice to hear your tryin to help the lil thing out! bless you!

  3. Southgate Humane societ's phone (734) 246-1328

    Call them and they will take care of it.

  4. If you can't keep it, call Petsmart to see if they have the phone number for an animal rescue organization.  Most of the stores have a space that they let an organization use to put up cats for adoption.  These are places that care for pets until they are adopted instead of euthanizing them after a few weeks like the county animal control will.  Otherwise put an ad in the paper for a free kitten.

  5. if you cannot keep it, then put posters around your neighbourhood to make sure that no one has lost their kitten. then if no one claims it for a while, then be sure to contact feline friends and send the cat there, or, you can again put posters up saying that a kitten needs to go to a loving home.

    its eye is probably infected, perhaps by the chlorine in the pool. i suggest you take it to the vet, or ask one of your friends who owns a cat to have a look at it. make sure to keep the cat somewhere safe, somewhere it cannot run away or be hurt by your dog or anything dangerous.

  6. Take it to a vet immediatly!!! Keep an eye on her.

  7. If you keep feeding it and don't take it to a vet or no-kill shelter soon, it won't leave your house because it knows you will feed it. Don't feed it any more unless you know for sure it will go to a shelter or you will keep it. Don't nurse it to helth and then let it go.

  8. i was in the same boat as you. i found a kitten but i could not keep it, so i called the local humane society, and told them that it was found, they came and picked it up for no charge at all. and the kitten was treated and givin' to a good home.

    call any animal rescue shelter, humane society, or if all else fails, not 911 but the local police hotline  in your phone book will be able to help you

  9. Please call a vet that is near you. If you don't want to keep it they will find a home for it.

  10. If you are not going to be able to keep the kitten, the best thing is to get it to an animal shelter or rescue area as soon as possible.  They will be able to bottle feed if the kitten is still that young.  The faster you get there the better, if it is a newborn, it won't live long without a mothers heat and milk

  11. thanks for rescuing the kitten there should be more people like you in the world

  12. Call the ASPCA or The Humane Society.  They will pick up animals.  They may ask you to keep it for a few hours or overnight until they can come get it.  But they will take care of it.

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