
I Just Bought This Television. Is It Good?

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  1. Well it is from a Brand name that is just starting. Only time will tell. It is 1080p which is the BEST picture possible in HD so a PS3 or Blu-Ray will look NICE! but its just good to give small companies a chance, i bought an OLEVIA  HDTV like 6 months ago and it is 1080i (1080p is slightly better) and the TV is really good. I recommend it if you are on a TIGHT budget, but if you really got a lot of money and want the BEST get a SONY or a SAMSUNG!

  2. it looks pretty good but i've seen better

  3. Third tier, "junk" TV. WHY are you asking AFTER you bought it? Read this:

  4. yes it is

  5. YOUR SUPPOSE TO ASK this BEFORE U BUy IT NOT AFTER. for the price its a decent tv. personally i don't buy non recognized tvs cuz main reason i never heard of them...but it looks like decent tv never heard of the mark but should probably work well. price is great though ..u should have shopped around at little more maybe something better would have came around for same or little more money.its bargain though. but as far a the mark people come in ur house and won't recognize it. don't worry so much about it though a tv is a tv. sum are better than others but u could still watch tv even if its a new tv or old tv.

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