
I Just CANT Take It ANYMORE!!!!??? HELP!!!!???

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My friend is jealous of me!!! Its really starting to p**s me off!!! She is treating me like c**p just because i have a boyfriend and she doesnt!!!

And since she is really loud and obnxious no one really likes her when they meet her and according to her....and i qoute " Everyone loves you Sarah because your so sweet and they like you better than me because im always in there face and ur just so likeable" At first she was really sincere about it...but now she is like always trying to put me down and asking me why i do this and why i do that and she will not be around me and my bf because she is jealous of our relationship.And i know she is because she said that she wants a boyfriend exactly like mine and she is always making comments about him and i kissing good bye and holding hands.I cant take it anymore she is acting like such a witch!!!!

Please help!!!???

I dont know what to do!!!?

I know this sounds really conceited but im just tired of her being jealous because theres nothing for her to be jealous about!!!

Its ruining our friendship!!!




  1. hey, my friends wouldnt hang out with me and i dont no y. just talk 2 her about it or talk 2 her parents. she shouldnt b jelous just because u have a boyfriend and she doesnt. its just stupid  that she is jelous. like i said, try talking 2 her or her parents.

  2. She's really fake.Okay,first you gotta understand you can't change her.Maybe she's jealous because people like you more than her and that people can't stand her attitude.Maybe your friend has a thing for your boyfriend because she wants someone like him.You should ignore her because she's being immature and such.If you ignore her,it'll you look mature.

    You said there's nothing to be jealous about?She's jealous because your sweet and friendly to people.

  3. tough situation to be in, and sad because she already knows why she turns people off of her, what you should do who knows, if you lose her friendship then you don't have your best girlfriend, maybe try speaking to her and see if she can be a little less selfish with this.

  4. Your friend needs to shut up. You need to go up to her and tell her to stop being mean to you because shes jealous. Tell her that instead of complaining on how you are such a good person and so like able, she should start by not being in there face. Stop taking other people down because of her actions. She isn't being a good friend. I can understand that she may want a boyfriend like you, but she needs to grow up about it. All you need to do is tell her to stop.

  5. wow, what a bad friend.tell her that her being loud and obnoxious and in peoples faces is effecting her love life. and tell her that shes jealous, and to get over it. try to say it nicely though.  

  6. Tell all of this to her.  She'll either clean up her act and you'll be friends again or she'll freak on you and end the friendship (which is the direction your friendship is going anyway so you have nothing to lose).  Just don't start the conversation by accusing her of being jealous, because there's no way of having a civil converstation that way.  Just tell her something like "I don't appreciate all of the comments you have been making.  What's the deal?"

  7. give it time, tell her you need space

  8. Just get it over with shes not a real freind. This happens when people get a boyfreind. Usally the other friends get jealous. If she was warning you that hes abusive then yeah listen. But shes not she wants one like yours. That tells me she wants to be you.It happened to both my daughters. They kept telling the friend its okay. Sometimes they would even admit there jealousy. One friend tried to come back after she finally got a boyfriend but the relationship was over!!! Tell her look your actions will make our relationship over. But if you can relize whats going on then yeah. Becareful what you tell her. Show her this question and others answers. Tell her look I wasnt your friendship but at the same time I will not take your jealousy. Probably not going to work.Good luck. But remember she would do this about anything later because shes jealous inside alreay. It just took a boyfriend to bring it out!!! Good luck. She will be alone!! But thats her chose. She probably will not talk to you when you see her. Just walk by!!!! Sounds cold but shes choosing that!!!

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